New Yoke for a New Year December 26-30

“Come to Me, take up My yoke” is a call for stressed and strained souls to find rest in God alone. Jesus calls us to become yoked with Him instead of all the other things we find ourselves burdened with in our daily lives. When two animals are yoked together, their combined strength pulls the…

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Altogether Christmas December 19-23

As Christians, we celebrate Jesus’ birth not because it was when He was created or came into existence, but because our Savior took human form to redeem us from our sins. It is a time when we rejoice in the truth that God loves us so much that He gave us the ultimate gift in…

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Altogether Joy December 12-16

At Christmas, we instinctively know the difference between an “almost joy” and an “altogether joy.” An “almost joy” is the happiness we find in decorations, sharing cookies, and unwrapping presents. But we all know that true joy is something that can blossom alongside frivolity and happiness, or it can flourish alongside sadness and even deep…

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Altogether Love December 5-9

The primary attribute of God’s character is love. He demonstrated his love for us by coming to this earth to give Himself for us. God loves us no matter who we are or what we have done. We are called to respond to God’s love by loving God with all our heart and by loving…

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Altogether Hope November 28—December 2

While “almost hope” reminds us that there are brighter days ahead, we still have to go through the darkness. Like Mary, many of us find ourselves dealing with unplanned events that can turn our lives upside down. Over two thousand years ago, a baby showed up and Jesus brought us hope for the future —…

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Altogether Peace November 21-25

During this time of year, we sing about “peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” But the reality is it seems that we don’t have peace on earth. There are conflicts around the globe, there are broken relationships in our lives, and there is a lack of peace in our hearts. Our “almost” peace seems far…

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I Stand Alone November 14-18

At His most desperate time, Jesus invited His closest disciples to stay near Him and to pray with Him. And they let him down.  As Jesus faced His journey to the cross, although He appeared to stand alone, He was never abandoned by His Father. At times, You too may feel abandoned.  Although we work…

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Disarmed November 7-11

As Jesus openly embraced us in our sinful state, we must also accept one another. As Christians who are part of the body of Christ, unity is vital. Unity is a hard word and a hard task, but as people who are set apart, we must have the same attitude as Jesus towards one another.…

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Through the Storm October 31– November 4

When experiencing the storms of life, there is power in numbers. First and foremost, we need to cling to Jesus. But in rough seas, we also need the encouragement and support of other Christian believers. We all react differently in times of trouble, but the gifts and strengths of others help us get through these…

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The Life God Rewards October 24-28

James asked his readers, “What sort of wisdom, earthly or heavenly, is guiding you?” Each of us wants to live a life that has the blessing of God upon it. In light of this desire, we would be well-served to know what kind of life God rewards. What is it that God is looking for…

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