In the Wilderness December 11-15

The wilderness is different from the valley. A “wilderness experience” is often a time of intensified temptation and spiritual attack. It can involve a spiritual, financial, or emotional drought. This experience is not necessarily a sign that a believer is sinning, but rather a time of God-ordained testing. While the wilderness can be lonely, it…

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Our Hearts, His Home December 4-8

One of the most delightful concepts in human experience is the idea of “home”, and it is especially true during the holidays. The word “home” suggests concepts of rest, security, and the presence of those we love the most. Scripture speaks of home numerous times, affirming its importance and our longing for home. In his…

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In the Valley November 27—December 1

We need to become more aware of God’s presence in all situations—in both life’s hills and valleys. Hills represent the good times when we feel like celebrating and are grateful for God’s blessings. Valleys represent the bad times when we feel troubled, such as relationship conflicts, health crises, failures, financial problems, and grief. Like hills,…

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Last Words November 20-24

When Peter wrote his second letter to the early church from a prison near the Roman Forum, he knew that Nero was going to have him executed. Knowing these would be his final words to the church, Peter packed the letter full of passionate words of encouragement and of warning. He encouraged them to remember…

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Suffering November 13-17

In the Gospels, we saw that Peter wanted the kingdom of God to come immediately and without human suffering. Now in his first epistle, Peter writes about our heavenly hope—the kingdom of God which will come after the saints’ suffering for their faith. He proclaims that the suffering and death of Jesus Christ on the…

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Set Apart November 6-10

Peter wrote this letter to help the church stand firm in the grace of God, particularly in the face of suffering. He reminds them of their identity: they are God’s chosen people, so they are like temporary foreign residents living outside of their true homeland.  Peter was calling them to live a holy life. Christ…

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Signs, Wonders and Miracles Oct. 30—Nov. 3

At the end of the Gospels, we find Peter forgiven and restored, but the evidence of his transformation becomes quite apparent in the Book of Acts through Peter’s preaching and practice. Starting at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit worked through Peter to do amazing things—doing things that he had only seen Jesus do and experience other…

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Denied & Reinstated October 23-27

Like Peter, we have all denied Jesus by our thoughts, words, deeds and attitudes; by what we have done and by what we should have done but didn’t.  At times, we have all lived in ways that are inconsistent with the faith we proclaim and the relationship with Jesus we treasure. We’ve hurt and wounded…

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Transfiguration October 16-20

Jesus invites three of His closest disciples—Peter, James, and John—to go up with Him up a high mountain to pray. Suddenly His face and clothing become dazzling white, and the great prophets Elijah and Moses appear beside him. While this was an amazing encounter, the trouble with mountaintop experiences is that they are a very…

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Peter’s Declarations October 9-13

Near the end of their three years together, Jesus asked His men, “Who do people say that I am?”  After they shared the crowd’s views, Jesus asked His disciples the same question. Peter quickly declared that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus affirms Peter’s correct response and states that He…

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