Learning to Lament February 19-23

After experiencing extreme loss and pain, there is nothing left for Job to do but lament, mourn, grieve, express sorrow. He refuses to falsely incriminate himself and he refuses to blame or abandon God. But Job does not hesitate to express his anguish in the strongest terms. His lament is almost entirely in the form…

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 Suffering and Sweet Surrender  February 12-16

One of the hardest parts of suffering as Christians is, that in the midst of it, we must come face-to-face with a sovereign God. He is utterly in control. Scripture describes our God as one who is intimately aware of our lives, and sometimes that can be most difficult when we are suffering. Suffering and…

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Vision Week Two February 5 – 9

Jesus has a two-fold mission for His church: edification of the body, or helping those in the church to grow spiritually and become more like Jesus; and evangelism of the world, or sharing the Gospel to those outside. This week we will hear what we feel God is calling us to be outside the walls.…

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Vision Week One January 29 – February 2

Jesus has a two-fold mission for His church: edification of the body, or helping those in the church to grow spiritually and become more like Jesus; and evangelism of the world, or sharing the Gospel to those outside. This week we will hear what we feel God is calling us to be inside the walls.…

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Keep Your Focus January 22-26

Every day we are given an opportunity to live distracted or devoted to the cause of Christ. We keep our focus on getting the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth and letting that commitment put everything else in perspective. Jesus never lost focus on His mission, and His mission has never been…

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Remove the Obstacles January 15-19

Led by the Spirit to a man interested in God, Philip identified and removed the obstacles standing between the eunuch and faith and used his limited resources—his presence, his hope in Jesus, and his unique surroundings. If you want to wreck roofs for God, it starts with obedience, doing what He says to do. It…

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Watch for Opportunities January 8-12

The book of Acts shows us that after Pentecost, the first church took off. They began to speak boldly, proclaiming the Good News without fear. They looked for kingdom opportunities to share the love of Christ no matter the consequences. Our hope is that the example of these early Christians are a lens through which…

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The Roof Gets Wrecked January 1-5  

A paralyzed man who could potentially be healed is carried by a few persistent friends to a packed house where Jesus is teaching. They did not see how they could get him to Jesus. Full of desperation, working together, and with love for the paralyzed man, these friends break through the roof of the home…

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In Our Hopes and Dreams December 25-29

Almost every person lives with hopes and dreams. We hope for something that will bring more joy and peace to our lives. However, we often find ourselves putting our hope in the wrong things, like relationships, romance, and revenue as we dream of better days and a successful life for ourselves and for those we…

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In Ministry December 18-22

When we decide to follow Jesus, He empowers us for a life of service. The more we become like Jesus, the more we will serve others. We do not serve on our own, but are empowered to serve in fruitful ways in the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that was with Jesus. Jesus reminded His…

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