Bible Reading Plan
Dynamic Faith October 17-21
Can faith with no works save you? This question has been around for a long time. Works and faith have often been at the center of debate in the church. What exactly is necessary for salvation? It is a fundamental issue and one that James covers in detail. Just as words without action do not…
Read MoreThe Rich, the Poor and Partiality October 10-14
Favoritism is common in the world. The way James describes this issue means to elevate or exalt a person based on only external things such as appearance (skin color or race), wealth, gender, social status, or position. Favoritism is a sin that any person, any race, and any country can struggle with. And it is…
Read MoreListening, Speaking, and Doing October 3-7
James is writing to religious people who have most likely grown up in the Jewish faith. They know God’s law. But James keeps pushing them to take the next step. Don’t just hear it, do it! Saying no to worldly temptation is a great start—God loves that—but He also loves that we walk in obedience…
Read MoreTrials, Temptations, and Perseverance Sept 26-30
James was writing to Jews to encourage them to continue growing in their new Christian faith. Recognizing that there is a cost to following Jesus, he begins his letter by addressing the trials that come with the territory, and shares the truth about the temptations that arise in our lives. We will see that God…
Read MoreThe Destination September 19-23
We’ve been talking about faith as a journey. On any journey, the logical question to ask is “Where are we going?” To what ultimate destination are we all heading? With this understanding, it changes your view of life here on earth. This world matters, but it’s not the only thing that matters. We look forward…
Read MoreRough Seas September 12-16
How do we handle it when our faith is tested? Can we ever really be sure of our salvation, or do we need to constantly be proving ourselves? This week we will look at the idea of being assured of our salvation, even in the midst of doubt and sin. We will come to understand…
Read MoreStaying the Course September 5-9
This week we will focus on how Wesley described the means of grace and the process of sanctification. After becoming a child of God, believers begin to live in holiness through faith in Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. We need to remember that we do not drift towards holiness. What are…
Read MoreSetting Sail August 29-September 2
In response to the traditional belief of “Original Sin”, John Wesley used the terms “New Birth” and “Prevenient Grace” to help describe the beginning of a person’s faith journey. Since all of us begin our journey from this place, this describes the proverbial “starting line.” This week we will see that salvation is a gift…
Read MoreGiven August 22-26
The third time Jesus takes bread into His hands, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it happens on the road to Emmaus. This time it is a moment of mission. Jesus is blessing bread to open the eyes of people who are disillusioned and downcast. In a way, this encounter shows that being blessed, broken,…
Read MoreBroken August 15-19
The second time Jesus takes bread into His hands, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it is at the Last Supper. The occasion is Passover, the feast which commemorates God’s rescue of Israel from Egypt and God’s judgment of evil. Passover is when God dealt with sin and evil. God delivered His people by providing…
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