Disarmed November 7-11
As Jesus openly embraced us in our sinful state, we must also accept one another. As Christians who are part of the body of Christ, unity is vital. Unity is a hard word and a hard task, but as people who are set apart, we must have the same attitude as Jesus towards one another….
Through the Storm October 31– November 4
When experiencing the storms of life, there is power in numbers. First and foremost, we need to cling to Jesus. But in rough seas, we also need the encouragement and support of other Christian believers. We all react differently in times of trouble, but the gifts and strengths of others help us get through these…
The Life God Rewards October 24-28
James asked his readers, “What sort of wisdom, earthly or heavenly, is guiding you?” Each of us wants to live a life that has the blessing of God upon it. In light of this desire, we would be well-served to know what kind of life God rewards. What is it that God is looking for…
Dynamic Faith October 17-21
Can faith with no works save you? This question has been around for a long time. Works and faith have often been at the center of debate in the church. What exactly is necessary for salvation? It is a fundamental issue and one that James covers in detail. Just as words without action do not…
The Rich, the Poor and Partiality October 10-14
Favoritism is common in the world. The way James describes this issue means to elevate or exalt a person based on only external things such as appearance (skin color or race), wealth, gender, social status, or position. Favoritism is a sin that any person, any race, and any country can struggle with. And it is…