Denied & Reinstated October 23-27
Like Peter, we have all denied Jesus by our thoughts, words, deeds and attitudes; by what we have done and by what we should have done but didn’t. At times, we have all lived in ways that are inconsistent with the faith we proclaim and the relationship with Jesus we treasure. We’ve hurt and wounded…
Transfiguration October 16-20
Jesus invites three of His closest disciples—Peter, James, and John—to go up with Him up a high mountain to pray. Suddenly His face and clothing become dazzling white, and the great prophets Elijah and Moses appear beside him. While this was an amazing encounter, the trouble with mountaintop experiences is that they are a very…
Peter’s Declarations October 9-13
Near the end of their three years together, Jesus asked His men, “Who do people say that I am?” After they shared the crowd’s views, Jesus asked His disciples the same question. Peter quickly declared that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus affirms Peter’s correct response and states that He…
Walking with Jesus in the Storm October 2-6
When the disciples witness Jesus walking on water in the midst of the storm, it is Peter who shouts, “Lord, if it’s You, tell me to come to You on the water.” Jesus affirms his request with one simple word, “Come.” We learn several things from Peter’s stormy encounter with Jesus. Peter didn’t impulsively and…
The Call of Simon the Fisherman September 25-29
Simon made his living netting fish in Lake Galilee to sell in the market where he lived. When his brother Andrew introduced him to Jesus, Jesus gave Simon a significant nickname. It’s the one by which we know him today, the “Rock,” promising stability and strength. Jesus later climbed into Peter’s fishing boat to preach….