Bible Reading Plan

Our Bible Reading Plan is available to help you grow in the knowledge of God's Word. Our vision is to be an authentic community of faith that equips people with God's Word to go and share.

Finding Rest in My Finances July 8-12

We can’t escape the fact that money is a source of stress in our lives. With the economy, inflation, career concerns and debt, it’s no wonder two out of three Americans feel anxious about their finances. Whether you have a little or a lot by our societal standards, you must learn to manage money and…

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Finding Rest in My Relationships July 1-5

To reduce stress in our relationships, we must make relational changes. It’s easy to point the finger at the other person and expect them to change. Trying to fix another person only adds to anxiety. But moving from stress to rest in relationships begins with ME. In most relationship issues, we personally contribute to the…

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Finding Rest from My Burdens June 24-28

Every Christian, often with noble motives, has taken up stress-producing burdens that Jesus never asked us to carry, and we have had to learn to lay them down. In fact, the Christian life could be described as continually laying down unnecessary burdens at Christ’s feet, and daily seeking fresh mercy, relief, and rest in His…

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The King’s Reward June 17-21

A man, described as the “rich young man”, asked Jesus, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus called him to sell his possessions and give to the poor so that he might have treasure in heaven and then to follow Him. Sadly, the man was unwilling to part with his riches…

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The King’s Servant-Leaders June 10-14

Jesus radically recasts true leadership by modeling servant leadership. Jesus, rather than wielding power and authority for self-promotion, empowers and lifts up others. Jesus teaches, “The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” In contrast to worldly leadership, Jesus’ followers lead…

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