Bible Reading Plan

Our Bible Reading Plan is available to help you grow in the knowledge of God's Word. Our vision is to be an authentic community of faith that equips people with God's Word to go and share.

The King’s People’s Pain June 3-7

In his book, The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” These words convey well the calling of Jesus that Mark recorded: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.” Jesus wanted to   make…

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The King’s Pain May 27-31

For the first time Jesus plainly speaks about what no one expected. The Christ, prophesied to be Israel’s mighty and everlasting King, must suffer terrible things, be rejected by the elders, and be killed. But He will rise from the dead. A dead Christ? A condemned King? Dying and rising? Right in the center of…

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The King’s Law May 20-24

In Jesus’ day, two prominent realities organized Jewish life, the Temple and Torah. At the Temple, sacrifices were made, feasts celebrated, and worship offered. Through the Torah, God instructed His people to live holy lives by keeping His Commandments. Over time, Israel’s religious leaders developed extensive and complicated teachings for how the Law of God…

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The King’s Provision May 13-17

The feeding of five thousand is important for understanding who Jesus is, what people need, and the essence of discipleship. The crowd elicits compassion from Jesus, “They are like sheep without a shepherd.” Jesus challenges the disciples by saying, “You give them something to eat.” It’s as though He wants His power to work through…

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The King’s People May 6-10

Jesus’ selects twelve common men—not men trained by religious elites, not scribes or Pharisees. With His chosen followers, Jesus also shows us something about the reign of God—it’s communal. Jesus calls individuals to Himself but also brings them into community with each other. The King’s people could more appropriately be known as the King’s servants….

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