United Series, Week 2: Breaking the Ice of Unforgiveness – September 2-6
Forgiveness may be the hardest thing many of us do in our lifetimes, but because none of us is without sin, forgiveness is essential if we want to love and be loved in this life. Unforgiveness is one of the deadliest forces in the world; it causes much pain and suffering and creates division. Forgiveness…
United Series, Week 1: Loving When It’s Complicated – August 26-30
As Christians, our love for each other is to be unconditional and unwavering no matter what. In Scripture, we find a person who comes from a very different background, yet models this kind of love for someone who really should have been his enemy. Jonathan’s friendship with David is the epitome of how to “love…
How to Make a Fool of Yourself August 19-23
Solomon spends a lot of time describing the fool. In fact, the words fool and foolish appear in the Book of Proverbs close to 80 times. Solomon states numerous ways that we can make fools of ourselves: be self-reliant, don’t seek counsel, don’t consult God for guidance; don’t learn from your mistakes; make sure others know…
How to Stay Angry August 12-16
Anger is a natural emotion. We all get angry! And while everyone gets angry, we don’t all get angry in the same way. We learn our preferred method of anger from our parents, from television, from a friend, or someone else. We usually learn to express anger in the way that it was most often demonstrated toward…
How to Commit Adultery August 5-9
No one typically wakes up and says, I think I’ll commit adultery today. It is really a slow process of taking baby steps toward it. Affairs happen because people are not serious about avoiding the risk factors. Allowing yourself to fall into compromising situations and rationalizing your actions is a quick way to commit adultery. …