Blessed August 8-12
Being blessed is not a state—it’s a story. It’s an origin story. It’s the story of how you began and why. It’s the story of God the Creator calling you into being, on purpose and for a purpose. It’s the story of God taking delight in you and naming you as good and beautiful. It’s…
Your Life as Bread August 1-5
Throughout Scripture, we discover that nothing is as common as it seems, not even bread. Bread fell from heaven as a sign of God’s provision; bread became a metaphor for the law of the Lord. Jesus fed the multitudes with loaves of bread, and referred to Himself as “the bread of life.” This week we…
Sin Takes Us Far from God July 25-29
Grumbling, complaining, sin, hearts far from God—these things were far too common for the Israelites in these desert wandering years. And often like us, they lost sight of how far away sin could carry them. How easily we often forget God’s goodness, His provision and protection. When Moses seemed too long in coming down from…
God’s Law Is For Our Good July 18-22
Since the Garden of Eden, man has rebelled against God. To help free humanity from this propensity to sin and help each of us to lead our best lives, God handed down the Ten Commandments through Moses as a code of moral laws by which to live. God’s commandments are not an onerous set of…
You Can’t Do It All July 11-15
Upon hearing what God was doing through Moses, Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, decided to visit. During the visit, Jethro saw the inefficient way Moses was handling the people’s disputes and so he advised Moses of a better way. Jethro’s plan was simple—get help! Jethro’s advice was for the good of Moses and the people. There are…