Parent Rights June 19-23
The biggest blessing parents can give their children is to live a righteous life of integrity before God. While Proverbs tells parents that they are to direct their children on the right path so that when they are older, they will not leave it, all adults have a role to play in this. You can’t…
Marriage Rights June 12-16
Marriage is a sweet and precious gift from God and He desires righteousness within the marriage relationship. God wants His people to delight themselves in their spouses. In Proverbs, you’ll find that the key to protecting a marriage is to cultivate contentment and rejoice in the good gift given by God’s hand. Pursuing a healthy…
Right with God June 5-9
Proverbs teaches that the “fear of the Lord” is the gateway and the pathway of wisdom that impacts all of our relationships. The “fear of the Lord” is an inward condition of reverent awe that affects the way we live and has practical implications for our lives. The fear of the Lord is the basis…
Unity in the Body May 29—June 2
An essential and constant characteristic of an authentic spiritual awakening is an exciting realization of unity—we are all one in Christ. Jesus’ last prayer to the Father ended with asking for His followers to be of one mind and heart, to live in complete unity so that the world would see and notice and be…
Holiness May 22-26
Revival is transformational. As people get honest, the blood of Christ cleanses, and life—real life, the abundant life of Christ—is restored. Revival is for the reviving of the body of Christ, and for turning sinners to Christ so that they too can become saints. But our prayers for revival will be a mockery if we…