Transfiguration October 16-20

Jesus invites three of His closest disciples—Peter, James, and John—to go up with Him up a high mountain to pray. Suddenly His face and clothing become dazzling white, and the great prophets Elijah and Moses appear beside him. While this was an amazing encounter, the trouble with mountaintop experiences is that they are a very small part of life in this broken and sinful world. These moments are generally fleeting and far between with most of life spent in the valleys. Discipleship means following Christ where He leads. So we too come down the mountain, with God’s glory at our backs, the cross ahead of us, and Jesus beckoning us forward, teaching us what it means to follow Him.  


 Day 1     Luke 9:28-36

Reflect: What do you learn about Jesus? Why is it significant that Moses and Elijah were present? Why do you think Peter suggested building three shelters? 

Apply:   How would focusing on Christ’s power and holiness affect your spiritual life? What does it mean to be transformed (or transfigured) into the image of Jesus? How can you make yourself more available to His transforming work in your life?  

Pray:   Jesus, help me see the areas of my life that need to be changed, and provide the strength and courage for me to do so. I want to humbly and wisely follow You.


Day 2      Exodus 24:13-18; 34:29-35

Reflect: In Ch. 24, what did God’s glory look like to Moses? To the people? Why the difference? In Ch. 34, why was Moses unaware of his appearance? What was the purpose of veil?  

Apply:   How have you witnessed the glory of the Lord? How are you changed by being in the Lord’s presence? How do you bring “mountaintop” experiences into everyday life?

Pray:     Father, reveal Your nearness and fill me with faith as I rest in Your presence. Transform me to be a reflection of Your glory to those around me.


Day 3     2 Corinthians 3:12-18 

Reflect: How does this text change your view on the purpose of Moses’ veil? How are we transformed into Christ’s image? What does having the veil removed do for us?

Apply:   What is your role in transformation and what is God’s? Do you still wrestle with working for your salvation (old covenant)? How aware are you of God’s presence in your life?

Pray:     Father, help me to read Your Word with childlike expectation and a sense of awe. May I increasingly gaze on the beauty of Jesus and by His transforming power, grow to be more like Him.


Day 4      Deuteronomy 18:14-20 

Reflect: How does the promise of a prophet provide comfort and direction for the Israelites? How does it resonate with us today? How does this speak to Jesus’ transfiguration story? 

Apply:   What is the role of a prophet, how are they appointed, and why do we need them? Who has been a prophet to you? Have you considered Jesus as the Prophet?   

Pray:     Jesus, You came as the ultimate Prophet, Priest, and King who spoke only those things You heard from Your Father. Give me wisdom and grace to discern and identify false prophets and to be a true witness for You. 


Day 5      2 Peter 1:16-18 

Reflect: Why do you think Peter shared these words with the churches? What would you say is his main point of these verses and why? What coming of Jesus is he referring to?

Apply:   What part do spiritual experiences have in the life of faith? Should we seek such experiences? What spiritual experience will you never forget? How often do you share it? 

Pray:    Jesus, what a beautiful encouragement to see how Peter, an eyewitness of Your majesty, grew in his knowledge and understanding of You. May I also stand firm in faith, looking forward to Your imminent return, when I too will see You face to face.       


Put It Into Practice!

Week 4: Transfiguration

Make note of the lessons learned in your “mountaintop” experiences to help you in the valleys.