Ruth and Boaz March 6-10
Ruth is the story of a young Moabite woman who comes to the love of God and the joy of belonging to His people through her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi. As these two women navigate the battles of life, there is unmistakable evidence of God’s good purposes. God is at work to redeem Ruth and His…
A Faithful Spouse February 27-March 3
The Old Testament book of Hosea talks about a prophet whose life no one would want to imitate. He was called to marry Gomer, a prostitute, whom even after they were married, was unfaithful and deceptive. Each time she was unfaithful, Hosea welcomed her back, and even went to purchase and redeem her. While acknowledging…
The Potter and the Clay February 20-24
Clay is a cheap material that remains worthless until it is in the hands of a skillful potter who can make it into something valuable. Like the potter, God lovingly molds His people into a vessel that He is proud to display. We do not begin as useful and worthwhile vessels; we begin as misshapen,…
the god of power February 13-17
Some of the most potent gods within us are not as easy to spot and harder to point to. This is true of the gods of power and success. These gods, which subtly overtake us, almost always manifest themselves in the sin of pride. As we climb this ladder of power and success, we do…
the god of money February 6-10
We have many beliefs about what money can do for us. We say, “Money will satisfy me.” “Money can make me significant.” “Money will bring me security.” When we say these things, we are giving money divine attributes and in so doing, we make it a god in our lives. We are saying that money has the…