Give Up-Week 4: Give Up Enemies March 24-28
Loving our enemies can sometimes feel as idealistic as instantaneous world peace. Still, Jesus showed that caring even for those who persecute us is a real, actionable mandate we can carry out by following His example. The paradoxical kingdom truth is that the way to deal with an enemy is to do him good, which…
Give Up-Week 3: Give Up Superiority March 17-21
God doesn’t care about the artificial lines we draw to make ourselves feel superior to others. In God’s eyes, we are all equal. God’s Word and His message of salvation are far more important than and superior to any lines we draw in the sand, any distinctions we make among us. We need to give…
Give Up-Week 2: Give Up Expectations March 10-14
Not a day goes by that something isn’t expected of you, or you expect something of someone else. We have expectations of ourselves and God, too, and they are not always healthy. When our expectations are based on God’s Word, they will never fail to be met. Cast aside your expectations, trust in God, and…
Give Up-Week 1: Give Up Control March 3-7
We are used to having control over so many things that we often fail to seek God’s will for our lives, and we try to call all the shots ourselves. Everything in culture teaches us to take control. You must take charge, make it happen, and control your destiny. But the truth behind our need…
Identity Crisis- Week 6: Keeping Your Identity in Christ February 24-28
Once you claim to be a Christian and know what it means to follow Jesus, how do you maintain that identity? How do we prevent deconstructing our faith to the point that we walk away from Christ, as others have? When we cease to believe what we once believed and are trying to figure out…