Rally to Serve

Behind the Scenes/ Support
f you like to work on your own or in a small group, these are the opportunities for you! Some are one-time, some are weekly, monthly or quarterly. Find the one that speaks to you and contact the person in the listing!

Communion Cleanup
1st Sunday of each month
Worship Center 12 pm
Wash and put away plates/goblets. Takes about 15 minutes

Provide Side Dish
Purchase / cook and deliver a
designated dish
One Thursday a month
(Check weekly Sign-up Genius)

Dinner Serving Team
Thursdays, 5:30-7:00 pm
Assist with set-up, serving, and
clean up. Contact Laura Burger

Usher-Modern Worship
Assist worshipers during service—
seating, headcount, specific needs.
90 minutes/Sunday. Contact Jonathan Kollmann

Garden Harvest
Now- October
Pick vegetables and/or deliver to
food pantry, Mondays and or Thursdays. Great for families to serve together!
1-3 hours/week
Contact Chuck Wood

Serve Week
October 13-19
Variety of ways to serve
Descriptor: Serve with AHC or as a
small group or family
1-3 hours any day, Oct.13-19
Contact Laura Burger

Make Crafts
August- October
Wednesdays, 1-3 pm,
AHC Craft Room 17 (lower level) Share ideas / help make craft items
Wednesdays, 1-3 pm,
Contact Pam Schwirtz

Bake Sale
Friday, Nov.1 by 2 pm or Saturday, Nov. 2 by 8:30am
Donate homemade baked good
Package, label & deliver to
to AHC. Contact Pam Schwirtz

Set-Up/Tear Down
Set-Up Friday, Nov. 1, 12pm-6 pm, Tear Down, Saturday, Nov. 2-3 pmSet-up Tables and displays
Contact Pam Schwirtz

Donate Item
Donate a handcrafted Item
to support mission outreach. Be creative and use your talents
Time Involved: Up to you!
Contact Pam Schwirtz

Christmas Outreach
November- December
Variety of roles leading up to Christmas party for families in our community or help with the December 14 party.