

New Hymnals & Bibles

The first major Wesleyan hymnal in thirty years, this 800-page comprehensive collection includes:

  • 675 hymns for the entire church year
  • A rich treasury of hymns by Charles and John Wesley
  • Wesleyan themes of prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace
  • Classic favorite hymns and contemporary selections across the breadth of church history
  • Baptism and Holy Communion liturgies
  • Service music for various occasions
  • A rich collection of creeds, prayers, and benedictions
  • A selection of metrical psalter hymns
  • Hymns organized around the twelve articles of the Apostles’ Creed
A new hymnal (Our Great Redeemer's Praise) for churches in the Methodist/Wesleyan faith has recently been released. It will be arriving soon.  Dr. Danny Stover and our Traditional Music Committee have reviewed the new hymnal. They are confident that it will be an excellent replacement for our current hymnal, keeping the hymns that we love and adding some new ones. Next to the Bible, the hymnal is our greatest collection of the Church's testimony and witness as the hymn writers have shared incredible, life-changing encounters with God. They were so moved by these spiritual encounters that they set them to music that became sung prayer to God in worship.
When we purchased our current hymnal in 1989, many generous saints gave in remembrance or honor of a loved one. Today, we invite you to stand in that rich tradition as we give generously to purchase new hymnals and pew Bibles in honor of or in memory of a person of your choice. This will be a lasting legacy of our faith as we put God’s Word in print and song into the souls of future worshippers. Hymnals are $30, and Bibles are $10.
Finally, if you would like to add a current hymnal and/or Bible to your personal library, you can pick them up in the Garden Walkway in mid-March. On April 5, any remaining older hymnals and bibles will be donated to the local District Office of the United Methodist Church.