Finding Rest in My Finances July 8-12

We can’t escape the fact that money is a source of stress in our lives. With the economy, inflation, career concerns and debt, it’s no wonder two out of three Americans feel anxious about their finances. Whether you have a little or a lot by our societal standards, you must learn to manage money and handle financial pressure. Money cannot be the source of our hope and trust. Following God’s principles for handling your finances will help you go from stress to rest. Peace about your finances starts with getting on the right track. God has ways to help you.


Day 1       1 Timothy 6:17-19

Reflect: What do you hear God saying to you? What key things does God want money to teach us? How have you known God as your Provider? Do you trust Him to provide?

Apply:   Do you have financial stress? Why? Evaluate your spending/saving through God’s eyes. What do you see? How is giving a way of creating a healthy relationship with money? 

Pray:    Father, You are the giver of all good gifts. Give me direction, strength, and ability to manage all You have provided. May my reliance completely rest on You. 


Day 2      Matthew 6:24

Reflect: Why does Jesus say this about the relationship between money and God? How can we maintain the right perspective about our money? What trips us up?

Apply:   Our relationship with material possessions always has spiritual implications. What are some ways you’ve seen this truth in your own experiences? In others?

Pray:    Father, in my life, there can be a strong urge to accumulate things to the detriment of my relationship with You. Keep me from using money as my source and supply and choose to trust You in every eventuality of life.


Day 3      1 Timothy 6:6-8

Reflect: How can we know when we’re guilty of living in luxury? How content are you in regard to your wealth and possessions? How is contentment developed? What results without it?

Apply:   How can you know when you cross the line from prudent savings for the future versus ungodly hoarding? How does your relationship with money relate to your identity? 

Pray:     Lord, forgive me for being caught up in a lifestyle of excess and extravagance. Realign my values from greed to a holy set of financial convictions. Teach me the contentment that is only found in You.


Day 4      Proverbs 11:24-25; 30:8-9

Reflect: How have you experienced the truth of the Proverb 11 verses? How do the verses in Proverbs 30 change your view of your wealth and the wealth of others? 

Apply:   What tension do you feel when you give money? What does your relationship with money reveal about you? What changes can you make to pursue generosity? 

Pray:    Lord, thank You for all the examples of generosity You have placed in my life. Fill my heart with love and faith as I seek to be more gracious and generous with others.


Day 5      2 Corinthians 9:6-10

Reflect: When have you witnessed these truths of sowing and reaping? What does verse 8 mean to you? What things in your life could you do and not do without? Why?

Apply:    Do you have financial resources not being used for the kingdom? What next steps can you take for healthier financial management? Ask God to help you stay the course.

Pray:      Father, may I never be under the illusion that I can outgive Your lavish gift of grace in Jesus Christ. May the motive of my giving be pure and ever open to Your scrutiny. By Your grace, use me to bring forth a rich harvest of eternal blessings and spiritual rewards.



Put It Into Practice!

Week 3: Finding Rest in My Finances

Determine what aspect of your finances gives you the most stress. In prayer, turn it over to God and ask Him to help you handle and value money the way He intends. Pray specifically for Him to increase your wisdom, contentment, and generosity as it relates to your finances, remembering you are a steward of all He has given you.