Bible Reading Plan

Our Bible Reading Plan is available to help you grow in the knowledge of God's Word. Our vision is to be an authentic community of faith that equips people with God's Word to go and share.

Setting Sail August 29-September 2

In response to the traditional belief of “Original Sin”, John Wesley used the terms “New Birth” and “Prevenient Grace” to help describe the beginning of a person’s faith journey. Since all of us begin our journey from this place, this describes the proverbial “starting line.” This week we will see that salvation is a gift…

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Given August 22-26

The third time Jesus takes bread into His hands, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it happens on the road to Emmaus. This time it is a moment of mission. Jesus is blessing bread to open the eyes of people who are disillusioned and downcast. In a way, this encounter shows that being blessed, broken,…

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Broken August 15-19

The second time Jesus takes bread into His hands, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it is at the Last Supper. The occasion is Passover, the feast which commemorates God’s rescue of Israel from Egypt and God’s judgment of evil. Passover is when God dealt with sin and evil. God delivered His people by providing…

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Blessed August 8-12

Being blessed is not a state—it’s a story. It’s an origin story. It’s the story of how you began and why. It’s the story of God the Creator calling you into being, on purpose and for a purpose. It’s the story of God taking delight in you and naming you as good and beautiful. It’s…

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Your Life as Bread August 1-5

Throughout Scripture, we discover that nothing is as common as it seems, not even bread. Bread fell from heaven as a sign of God’s provision; bread became a metaphor for the law of the Lord. Jesus fed the multitudes with loaves of bread, and referred to Himself as “the bread of life.” This week we…

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