Identity Crisis- Week 6: Keeping Your Identity in Christ February 24-28
Once you claim to be a Christian and know what it means to follow Jesus, how do you maintain that identity? How do we prevent deconstructing our faith to the point that we walk away from Christ, as others have? When we cease to believe what we once believed and are trying to figure out…
Identity Crisis- Week 5: Identity in Christ February 17-21
Jesus Christ alone holds the right and authority to define our identity. We are His children, made in His image, and His divine presence is actively at work within us. Discovering our true identity begins with developing an intimate relationship with Him. Our identity in Christ is rooted in God’s grace, not our achievements or…
Identity Crisis Week 4: How Christ Transforms Identity February 10-14
The biblical story of Saul’s encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus demonstrates the transformative power of conversion. Before Paul’s encounter with Jesus, he over-identified with his Jewish heritage, his education, and his zealous but misguided religious fervor, positioning himself in opposition to Christ. This reflects a common human tendency to over-identify with certain…
Identity Crisis-Week 3: Identity and Idolatry February 3-7
Idolatry significantly shapes and impacts identity; causing individuals to become like what they worship. Worshiping created things over the Creator distorts our sense of self. Scripture tells many stories that illustrate how idolatry leads to spiritual blindness and the loss of true identity as imagebearers of God. What is essential? Return to God, seek identity…
Identity Crisis-Week 2: Known by God: The Foundation for Identity January 27-31
There is a profound relationship between our identity and God’s intimate knowledge of us. God is omniscient; He knows every detail of our lives, from mundane actions to our innermost thoughts. We must be reassured that God loves us with an immeasurable, covenantal, saving love. We should place our identity in God’s understanding and love,…