Backpack Blessing & Bible Sunday

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Backpack Blessing

Join us Sunday, August 18 We will bless students, teachers, and staff in all services. After worship, (10:30 am and later) enjoy frozen treats and popcorn at both campuses!
Anderson Campus (preschool through 6th grade; 9:30/11:00 am
  • Parents visit the check-in desk enter their kids' names and receive name tags, then enter worship as a family.
  • After the blessing, kids will be dismissed with leaders from Children's Ministry to their Sunday morning programs. Pick up your children after service as usual.
  • Any children attending 8:30 Traditional will be recognized in the pews with their families.
  • Middle & High schoolers come to worship and then go back to Annex after the blessing!
Salem Campus (preschool through 6th grade; 10:00 am)
  • Volunteers will record the kids' names and grade/age as they enter worship.
  • After the blessing,  children will be dismissed with leaders from Children's Ministry to their classroom(s).

Bible Sunday

God's Word is central to our faith. We want every child to have their own Bible. Kids 1 & 4 years-old and 1st and 7th graders will also be getting their Bibles in their classrooms after the blessing.