After School Program at Salem Campus

In May, we celebrated 15 awesome years of tutoring and mentoring children through the Whiz Kids Program. We thank all those who volunteered to make a difference in the lives of Mt. Washington Elementary students! Like many things, there is a season for that ministry and then God opens a new door.

We are excited to announce a new ministry for the kids at Mt. Washington School. We are going to shift to a FREE after-school program at our Salem campus on Thursdays beginning September 28, 2:30-5:30 pm. The program is for kids from Kindergarten through 6th grade.

The afternoon will include snack time, homework/reading time, and a rotation of enrichment lessons, Bible lessons, and recreational activities. We need lots of volunteers (part or all of the afternoon) Contact Laura Burger at .

There will be a training session on Thursday, September 14, 2:30-5:30 pm.