Students Mission Trip
June 8-13
7-12th grade. We will partner with Team Effort for a week of serving the Knoxville-Gatlinburg area and growing together in our faith!

VBS 2025!
June 16-20, 6-8:30 pm
Open to all kids 4 years old *by June 1st* - 6th grade
Get ready for True North VBS! We have Jesus—our true north! At VBS kids learn about our rock-solid foundation and are pointed to Jesus, their unmovable, unshakable friend forever!

Summer Camp
July 7-11, Hardin, Kentucky
7-12th grade.An incredible week of games, activities, and growing closer to God through worship, messages, and small groups.

Art & Music Camps
July 7-11, 9:30-noon
For incoming Kindergarteners-6th graders. Explore the Creation Story through art or music. Be sure to reserve Friday night, July 11, for our Art Show and Music Recital, 6:30-8:00pm!

Science Scholarship
Applications due April 21
$8,000 Walter C Comstock Scholarship awarded to a student graduating from a Forest Hills High School (or other area high school if the recipient is a member of Anderson Hills Church. The student must be majoring in a basic science discipline.

Scout Troop 281
We welcome all prospective Scouts as a ministry of the Anderson Hills Church. If you would like to come and visit us, we meet in the church's "Kids Rock" room every Tuesday night from 7-8:30pm.

Rise Up with Us!

March 1-31
We will have this prayer guide during Lent. Pick up guides at Guest Services or online here. The family insert is here. The guide will have a daily prayer point and a Scripture reference to incorporate into your daily prayer time. The guide will also include space for notes so you can write down what you are hearing from God.

Get in a Band
Sunday, March 16, 10:30-11 am Room 121
Stop by and find out more about Discipleship Bands. 3-5 people of the same gender who read together, pray together, and meet together to become the love of God for one another and the world. Interested in knowing more? Contact our Director of Adult Ministry Amy Tomlinson at .

Find Your Serve

Make a Difference
Yes, you can make a difference for guests visiting Anderson Hills. Serving them coffee is one of the first steps to making them feel welcome. We have new coffee and equipment. Come for a quick training on 3/22!

New Study
We will use Pete Greig's book,God on Mute: Engaging The Silence of Unanswered Prayer. This 6-week study will help us find hope and comfort and peace in the midst of silence along with faith-building scriptural truths and insights.

Welcome Lunch
Sunday, March 23, 12:15 pm
New to AH? Join us for lunch. Meet our pastors and staff. Get any questions answered. Lunch is free and kids are welcome!

Spiritual Growth Track
Sunday, March 23, 6:15 pm
We help you figure out where you are and the next step to having a profound love of God and others. This class meets for 3 weeks. The fourth week is for those who want to become members of Anderson Hills.

Stephen Ministry Lunch
Sunday, March 30, 12:15 pm
We will commission new Stephen Ministers in worship and then host a lunch. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister please join us. No reservation needed.

Citywide Conference
Friday & Saturday, April 4 & 5
Hosted at Anderson Hills Church, which is a co-sponsor with Greater Cincinnati Canopy of Prayer.
Learn from speakers who have seen revivals and transformation through prayer and intercession.
Registration is $50 and includes Continental breakfast, snacks and drinks. Lunch and dinner on your own.

Annual Rummage Sale
Friday, April 11, 9 am- 6 pm Saturday, April 12, 9 am- 1 pm
Christian Women of Faith will be hosting their rummage sale. All proceeds go to missions.

Serve in Jamaica
May 31-June 7
While the primary tasks are to build and repair homes, there
are many other ways to
build relationships – sharing
devotions at an elementary
school or going on prayer walks. You will be blessed by your
new Jamaican friends; grow
in your love and devotion to God
and make lifelong friendships with
those you serve alongside.
Contact Bryan Kilian
Weekly Events

Class for adults and Companion program for children Celebration Place
Freedom City Church
Thursdays 6:45 pm
Find freedom from hurts, hangups, and habits. Join anytime!

Fresh Expressions
We have church at local breweries three Saturdays each month. The 1st & 3rd Saturdays are at Little Miami Brewing in Milford. The 4th Saturday is at Big Ash Brewing in Anderson. These are for those who might not come to a church campus. Enjoy some music, a message and make some new friends.
For more info contact Jonathan Kollmann

Thursday Nights
6:30 pm, Atrium
Pastor SueLee Jin is launching a weekly prayer time that will help you focus on Jesus in praise and prayer, grow in the life of prayer, and live the life that Jesus calls you to live.

Help Fire Victims
Cincinnati's Matthew 25 Ministries is working closely with partners in the disaster region to send truckloads of critical aid to impacted communities. Supplies that M25M requests can be put in the bin in the Connection Center. Details and giving link: https://m25m.org/disaster/lawildfires25/

Help Hurricane Victims
We are partnering with Matthew 25 Ministries here in Cincinnati to help the victims of the 2024 hurricanes.
Drop off the following supplies at our campus:
- Paint (any partially/half-used cans
- Cleaning supplies
- Building supplies (used or new)
- Medical supplies (like 1st aid kits)
Look for marked collection boxes in the Main Entrance Vestibule, Narthex West Door Vestibule, and the West Hallway entrance.

Church Merch
Share the love of Jesus and tell people about the exciting things happening at Anderson Hills Church. Check out all our AHC merch!