What is a Disciple? May 30-June 3

A disciple is considered a student, one who disciplines himself in the teachings and practices of another. When Jesus called His first disciples, He spoke the simple words, “Follow me.” A disciple of Christ is a follower, one who trusts and believes in his teacher and follows the teacher’s words and example. Jesus discipled His followers through intentional relationship—an intimate, instructive, and imitative relationship with their Teacher. Being a disciple of Jesus is seeking to be like Jesus. We must be willing to give up or repent from anything that prevents us from living a kingdom lifestyle and to engage in disciplines that make us more like Him. 


Day 1      Mark 1:16-20

Reflect: Based on who He called, what does Jesus require of His followers? Does His call to leave everything behind seem too unreasonable, radical, and risky? Why or why not? 

Apply: In today’s world, what obstacles do people face when deciding to follow Jesus? How are you actively following Jesus? What have you given up to follow Him? 

Pray:  Lord, as Your disciple, help me to wholeheartedly follow You in every thought, word, and deed. Give me a heart of obedience and trust, knowing that You lead the way.  


Day 2     Mark 3:13-15

Reflect: What things did Jesus do to prepare His disciples for their Kingdom purpose?  How does this text describe what it means to be a disciple?

Apply:    How did Jesus call and appoint you? In what ways has Jesus trained you for ministry? Describe how Jesus has empowered and sent you out as His disciple.  

Pray:      Father, move me to do those things You have created me to do, whether I think they are menial things or glorious. I offer all that I am to Your glory and for the blessing of others.


Day 3     Mark 8:34-38

Reflect: What are the differences and similarities between the three requirements Jesus gave for a disciple?  How would you explain verse 35? For what are we to give up our lives?

Apply:    As a follower of Christ, in what ways do you deny yourself? How do you lose your life for Jesus? For the sake of the gospel? What does it mean to you to be ashamed of Jesus? 

Pray:      Lord, as Your witness, help me to be mindful of the opportunities You give me today to bless others. Help me to deny myself, take up my own cross, and willingly and joyfully follow You.  


Day 4     John 8:31-32 

Reflect: In this text, why is it important to note to whom Jesus is speaking about discipleship? To what truth is Jesus referring? What kind of freedom is Jesus referencing? 

Apply:   The key word for holding to Jesus’ teaching (verse 31) is obey. How would you rate your level of obedience? How has His truth helped you to experience spiritual freedom?

Pray:      Lord, fill me with Your truth and help me obey Your Word. I pray for the peace and freedom that only comes from being faithful to You.  


Day 5     John 15:16–17

Reflect: What do these words from Jesus say about discipleship? Based on this text, what do you think is the key role of a disciple? To what kind of fruit is Jesus referring?

Apply:   What new insights have you gained from this week’s texts? How will you respond?

Pray:     God, You have entrusted us with Your good news and promised to always be with us. Send me to those who long to know that You are a God of love, that You are a Savior who knows their name, and that Your Holy Spirit is leading them home. 

Put It into Practice!

Week 1: What is a Disciple?

During this series, identify two or three people whose faith you respect. Ask them to meet with you so that you can learn from their faith journey.