Week 4 Rise Up…To Do the Impossible October 21-25

God calls us to listen to His voice, not the voices of those who say that God’s call is impossible. 

Some thought Goliath was too big to fight. David thought Goliath was too big to miss. David rose up with a perspective of faith, not fear, to do what people said was impossible—slaying Goliath. He kept his focus on God’s faithfulness; and without fancy equipment, he used what he had, five stones and a slingshot. Is there something in your life that you have made bigger than the living God? What has God given you to use as you follow His call? 


Day 1       1 Samuel 17:12-31

Reflect: Why is David asking questions about the giant Philistine? What is implied by the phrase “defy the armies of the living God”? (v.26) Why were his questions reported to the king? 

Apply:    About what current situations or events are you riled up and voicing your concerns to others? How may God want to use you to help rectify or improve things with His help?  

Pray:      Lord, in the story of David versus Goliath, You show us that with God, anything is possible. Help us, like David, to focus on You in difficult situations. May each of us use the gifts You have given us to stand in faith and glorify You.


Day 2       1 Samuel 17:32-50

Reflect: Why did everyone but David see fighting Goliath as impossible? Why did David choose the weapon he did? What would you say was the real weapon with which he won the fight?  

Apply:    When has someone told you that you couldn’t do what you planned? What reason was given? What happened? What kind of “weapons” have you used to fight battles for God?

Pray:      God, we know there is an adversary who is doing everything he can to keep You from being glorified. Help us as we walk through these battles, to trust in You, stand for You, and fight with You–the battle belongs to You.


Day 3       Luke 1:26-38

Reflect:  Describe Mary’s traits. What words and phrases give you an idea of what this experience was like for her? Do you think Mary’s question was an expression of doubt? 

Apply:   When have you personally experienced what the angel said in v.37 and responded as Mary did? What did Mary possess that allowed her to respond as she did? Do you have it?

Pray:     Jesus, teach us to say, “Here am I, Your servant,” without pretense, and with a spirit of sacrificial love, to do all for the sake of the world You so love.


Day 4       Luke 9:10-17  

Reflect: Why does Jesus ask His disciples to do the impossible? What is His main lesson for them?

Apply:    When we face something that seems to be impossible in our life, Jesus invites us to join our resources. When have you offered something to Jesus to be used for good and He multiplied the results? What may He want you to give to Him now? 

Pray:     Jesus, people around us are empty, and long to be filled; hungry, and long to be fed; lost, and long to be found. We offer what we have, trusting Your power and authority, to be Your instrument in this community for Your kingdom.


Day 5       Matthew 19:16-30

Reflect: What would you say are Jesus’ Top 3 points in this text? Which is meant for you? Why do you think Matthew added the word “young” to the description of the rich man?

Apply:    Following Jesus is not just a benefit for you, but for others, too. How is Jesus calling you to invest in the future of His kingdom? What godly wisdom can you share with young people? 

Pray:      Lord, show me the things in my life that keep me from fully following You. May our lives exemplify that true wealth is measured not by what we have but by what we give away.


Put It Into Practice!


Week 4: Pray for Unity

 Be unified in and around Christ 1 Corinthians 1:10

 Be unified in purpose and motivation Philippians 2:2

 Be unified in our goals Romans 14:19

 Be in one accord with Christ and each other Matthew 18:20

 Be unified in the Body of Believers’ Jesus’ prayer in John 17:23

 Be unified through the bond of peace Ephesians 4:3

 Be unified in the joy that unity brings Psalm 133:1