Week 3 Rise Up…To Follow God’s Call October 14-18

God called Samuel at an early age to listen and then to speak on His behalf. Samuel was faithful

with what he was given. Whether he was called to deliver a message to a priest, a citizen of Israel, or a king, Samuel said yes. Sometimes the messages were exciting, but more often they were scary and difficult to deliver. Yet throughout his life, Samuel remained faithful and God opened new doors as Samuel responded. God empowers us when we answer His call. Listen to God’s voice and take the next faithful steps into your calling. 


Day 1       1 Samuel 3:1-14

Reflect: How does God’s selection of young Samuel for a prophetic role challenge our understanding of leadership and capability? How does God prepare him for the task? 

Apply: In today’s secular world, how can you distinguish the voice of God from other voices? Reflect on a time when you felt God was speaking to you. How did you respond? 

Pray:    Father, together, no matter our age, we pray for the faith to hear Your call and have obedient hearts ready to respond to Your leading for Your greater praise and glory.


Day 2      1 Samuel 3:15-21 

Reflect: What did Samuel learn about God in this text? What did he learn from Eli’s response? How does verse 19 speak to God’s faithfulness when we are obedient? 

Apply:   What role has God called you to fulfill? How did He confirm it? When have you been called to handle a situation where you had to relay an uncomfortable truth? What resulted? 

Pray:     Holy Spirit, open my eyes, ears, heart, and will to every whisper of Your Word, ready to obey Your call on my life, no matter when it comes or however difficult it may be.


Day 3        Judges 6:1-16  

Reflect: What does this text say about God and our relationship with Him? What do you learn about who God calls from this encounter? How does that speak to you personally? 

Apply:  When has the Lord reminded you that you are stronger than you think because of your  position in Him?  What kind of words of encouragement has He spoken to you?

Pray:    Lord, it is encouraging how You graciously use flawed people to carry out Your plans and purposes for furthering Your kingdom. Help me trust You more and more. Use me in whatever way You choose. 


Day 4       Acts 16:6-10 

Reflect: What do you learn about calling from this text? Describe the various methods God uses to communicate His will for us.  Why do you think they heard “no” from God?

Apply:    How do you determine if a call is from the Lord or from your own desires? Would you say you hear yes or no more often from God? What role do you think faith plays in calling?

Pray:       God, help us be sensitive to Your Spirit and boldly walk in step with You to do all that You have called us to do.


Day 5       Hebrews 13:20-21

Reflect: Consider the ways God is described and what each name or characteristic means to you. Consider all that is spoken about what God does, and what that says to you about Him.  

Apply:   Receive these words of blessing and calling for yourself. Which words speak loudest to you? Ask the Lord who needs to hear these words, and say yes to the call to speak them.

Pray:    God, work faith in and through our church to equip us with purity, holiness, strength, grace, and wisdom to do Your will. Help us to overcome temptation, endure trials, and give us wisdom in our decisions.


Put It Into Practice!


Week 3: Pray Through the Vision and Goal of Rise Up

Reaching the next generation Psalm 145:4  , Reaching next generation Psalm 71:17-18, Holy Spirit empowers us Isaiah 11:2  ,Holy Spirit equips us John 14:26 God is doing new things Psalm 96:1-3, Listen John 10:27, Jeremiah 33:3.