Myth Week 3: Does Science Negate Faith? December 9-13
Science doesn’t move us away from God, science actually draws us toward God. Intelligent design points to a Creator and complements biblical teachings. Science does not negate faith because science and religion are based on different aspects of human experience and address different parts of human understanding.
Day 1 Psalm 19:1-4
Reflect: How have you experienced God through His creation? It’s been said that it takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe in God. What are your thoughts about that?
Apply: Meditate on how creation declares the existence and glory of God. Spend time in nature, observing God’s handiwork. What feelings come up when you marvel at His creation?
Pray: Father God, I praise the splendor of Your majestic handiwork and the glories of Your power. I am lost in wonder, love and praise..
Day 2 Romans 1:20
Reflect: How does creation reveal God’s invisible qualities? Why is it hard for some to believe that God created all we see and don’t see? Why do you think people don’t want to believe?
Apply: A common questions is: Can you be a scientist and believe in God? Your thoughts on that? In what ways can you share the wonder of God’s artistry to point others to Him?
Pray: Heavenly Father, I praise You for the mighty works of Your hand and for the evidences of Your invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature. I pray that I may come to know You more intimately, and grow more and more like Jesus Christ.
Day 3 Colossians 1:15-17
Reflect: What is Christ’s role in creation? What are the invisible things that have been created and how do they impact us? What does verse 17 mean to you?
Apply: How have you heard others explain away the existence of God? How does having to submit to a divine authority play into it? How does Christ demonstrate His authority?
Pray: Father God, thank You for Your Word of truth and for revealing Christ to me through the Scriptures. Thank You that in Christ, I have been made a child of God, and that He holds all things together by the strength of His great and mighty power through time and into eternity.
Day 4 Genesis 1:1-2
Reflect: Spend time considering the beginning of creation and God’s creative power. What is the first thing we learn about God? What is His method for creating something out of nothing?
Apply: Think about how the order and design of creation reflect God’s character. Why do you think God ordered it this way? How do you think science and religion can be reconciled?
Pray: Loving Father, as I see Your great wisdom reflected in Your wonderful creation, I praise You and thank You for the creative Word of God Who not only spoke the world into being from nothing, but died for me so that I could have life – abundant and eternal life.
Day 5 Job 38:4-7
Reflect: Why is God asking Job these questions? How do you think He feels when people deny Him as Creator? How do you react to your own limitations of understanding His creation?
Apply: Meditate on the majesty and mystery of God’s creation. How would you describe the whole of His creation? Do science and faith contradict each other?
Pray: God, we praise You as our Creator of all things. Thank You for Your enduring Word and the truths that it contains. Thank You for my salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ in Whom all things were made and in Whom all things hold together.
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Week 3: Does Science Negate Faith?
Science and Christianity are complementary. Science marvels at how creation works, while Christians marvel at our Creator God. Seek ways this week to have a greater understanding of creation while praising our Creator.