Week 2 Trust Over Clarity January 6-10

God’s calls and commands can often feel murky and unclear, yet they are designed to strengthen our faith in ways we can’t anticipate. God’s call often comes without clarity, and we must trust and obey despite uncertainties. We need to make up our minds to follow God’s commands, even when we don’t fully understand the “why” behind His requests. His wisdom is beyond our own!


Put It Into Practice: Spend daily time in prayer asking God for strength to trust Him in murky situations, for willingness to obey without full clarity, and for readiness to respond to His call.  


Day 1      Proverbs 3:5-8     

Reflect: What do we miss if we rely on our own understanding and wisdom and not God’s? What does “health to your body and nourishment to your bones” symbolize in verse 8? 

Apply:   What areas of your life do you need to lean not on your own understanding and why? How does acknowledging God in all your ways look in different areas of life? 

Pray:     Grant me strength and courage to follow Your leading, knowing that when I fully rely on You, my life will be filled with peace, healing, and true refreshment.


Day 2       Joshua 6:1-5      

Reflect: Why do you think God chose this way for His people to achieve victory? What might have been other options to take down Jericho?  What is God teaching them?

Apply:    Have you ever been in a situation where obeying God seemed to be foolish or even dangerous? How did you respond? When have you claimed victory before you had it?

Pray:      Ask the Lord about specific areas in your life where you need His power to break through barriers. Pray for courage to trust Him and obediently follow His instructions.


Day 3      Hosea 1:2-11; 3:1-3 

Reflect: Why would God choose this plan for Hosea’s life? How is this message relevant to us? What lessons does this surprising command teach us about God? About people? 

Apply:    When has God called you to do something that felt challenging and confusing or unclear? If you made up your mind to do it, how did it impact your faith? Are you concerned more about what people think of you or do you focus more on simple obedience? 

Pray:       Lord, help me to faithfully give my life in whatever way You call me so others may know You as Rescuer and Redeemer. Use me to make Your love and compassion known to all who cross my path.


Day 4      Luke 5:1-7 

Reflect: What do you learn about Jesus from these first three verses? How do you relate to Peter’s response? Why are verses 6 and 7 so descriptive? What is God trying to say? 

Apply:    Why do you think God asks us to obey without giving us the full picture? How can you prepare yourself to be ready for God’s call, even when you don’t know what it will be?

Pray:     Jesus, open my heart to fully surrender to Your will, even when it seems beyond my understanding. Empower me to step out of my comfort zone and become an instrument of Your love in my community.


Day 5      Isaiah 26:3-9

Reflect: What are the benefits of trusting in the Lord and walking in obedience? How is trusting in something other than God idolatry? What is the link between trust and righteousness? 

Apply:    In what ways do you see idolatry causing anxiety in your life? How do you relate to the idea that things you look to, instead of God, can lead you away from peace?

Pray:      Father God, thank You for Your never-failing goodness and Your promise of peace and righteousness in Christ Jesus my Lord. Keep me looking to You, depending upon You, and trusting in You every day of my life.