Watch for Opportunities January 8-12
The book of Acts shows us that after Pentecost, the first church took off. They began to speak boldly, proclaiming the Good News without fear. They looked for kingdom opportunities to share the love of Christ no matter the consequences. Our hope is that the example of these early Christians are a lens through which we can see the opportunities around us. Kingdom
opportunities require compassion and generosity; they call us to sacrifice. Kingdom opportunities require the power of the Holy Spirit, and the early church was completely dependent on the Holy Spirit. We, too, need to be committed to watching for our kingdom opportunities through prayer, teaching, sacrifice, and by trusting God to give us a deeper vision and purpose in every aspect of our lives.
Day 1 Acts 1:8; Acts 2:42-47
Reflect: What stands out to you about the early church? What were these first Christians like? What would have drawn you to this first congregation? Why? How were people added?
Apply: How have others been attracted to your lifestyle as a Christian? If you can’t answer this, why not? Who draws your attention by the way they live? Share this with them!
Pray: Holy Spirit, revive Your church and fill us with the same passion, unity and lifestyle of prayer as the early believers. We seek opportunities to share Jesus in humility and love.
Day 2 Acts 3:1-10
Reflect: How did John and Peter participate in a Wreck-the-Roof outlook? Why do you think Peter asked the man to look at them? What resulted from this Kingdom opportunity?
Apply: What would it take for you to notice others and see Kingdom opportunities more on a regular basis? When was the last time you met someone’s needs in Jesus’ name?
Pray: Holy Spirit, too often I am timid, but that doesn’t move your Kingdom forward. Help me to be bold and obedient and see the glory of God.
Day 3 Acts 4:32-37
Reflect: Why was generosity so important in the early church? How do you see the Spirit working? How can our generosity create Kingdom opportunities in the lives of others?
Apply: When and how have you modeled generosity? Why do we often miss the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit? What do we miss out on when we try to do things on our own?
Pray: Father, may my generosity reflect a grateful response to the generosity and grace You have shown to me.
Day 4 Acts 10:1-48; Acts 11:1-18
Reflect: What was the Lord teaching Peter and how? Teaching Cornelius? The Jewish believers? How does this encounter speak to the Wreck-the-Roof mission?
Apply: What is your takeaway from this text? How does it apply to us today? How would walking in the truth that God wants none to perish change how you live and treat others?
Pray: Lord, You made it clear to Cornelius (and throughout the Bible) to include Gentiles in Your family of faith. Awaken and inspire us to Your desire to save and pour out Your Spirit on all people in our day.
Day 5 Acts 16:12-15
Reflect: What more do you learn from this text about kingdom opportunities? How does verse 14 bring peace and take pressure off of sharing the Good News of Jesus with others?
Apply: When has there been an opportunity in your life that you regret passing by? Why didn’t you seize that opportunity when it was presented to you? Why has this decision stuck with you? How has it impacted the way you view subsequent opportunities?
Pray: Father, I want to obey Your will straightforwardly and without hesitation as the Spirit leads. Give me the wisdom to discern and obey Your will.
Put It Into Practice!
Week 2: Watch for Opportunities
This week pray for opportunities to speak a word of testimony to those you prayed for last week, as well as others He may bring across your path. Ask Him to give you questions to spark conversations about Him.