Vision Week Two February 5 – 9

Jesus has a two-fold mission for His church: edification of the body, or helping those in the church to grow spiritually and become more like Jesus; and evangelism of the world, or sharing the Gospel to those outside. This week we will hear what we feel God is calling us to be outside the walls.


Day 1      Isaiah 60:1-3

Reflect: How does Isaiah’s prophecy contrast the spiritual condition of the earth with that of God’s
redeemed people? What is the true source of our light? Research what glory means.

Apply: In what sense would you say thick darkness covers our world today? How is God calling
you to serve as light to your darkened world? Will you rise up in obedience and trust?

Pray: Jesus, help me to trust in You and be obedient to Your call upon my life.


Day 2      Matthew 5:14–16

Reflect: What are typical functions of light? How do these apply to believers in the world? How can
we grow as light? What darkness may be preventing you from shining the light of Jesus?

Apply: How have you been a light to someone recently? When have you hidden your light and
why? Do your good works cause people to give glory to God or to yourself?

Pray: Lord, use me in my community, where You have placed me, to bring Your light and love
to a hurting world.


Day 3      Matthew 4:23-24

Reflect: How would you describe Jesus’ mission from this text; what was His four-fold ministry?
What kinds of things would draw people to Jesus through the church today?

Apply: How have you witnessed the church operate as Jesus did in His earthly ministry? It has
been said that the church is a hospital for the broken. How have you seen this to be true?

Pray: Holy Spirit, give me the courage and boldness to proclaim Jesus’ good news to everyone
You put in my path each day.


Day 4      Psalm 145:1-7

Reflect: What do you learn about God from this psalm? About us? About what we are to do? Which
wonderful works and miracles of God from the Bible mean the most to you?

Apply: What are the awe-inspiring deeds of God that you have experienced (v. 6)? Why is sharing
a personal testimony about God so effective? How are you impacting the next generation?

Pray: Abba Father, I ask for the discipline and desire to meditate on the glorious splendor of
Your majesty and telling all I encounter of the good works You have done.


Day 5     Mark 10:13-16

Reflect: Why was Jesus so passionate about children? Why is it that we often consider adults more
important in the church than children? What evidence shows that to be true?

Apply: If you have children, who in the church has made an impact on them and how? How are
you bringing them to Jesus to be blessed? What would it take for us to grow in this area?

Pray: Jesus, help me to share my faith journey with future generations who need
to know of the hope and blessings You have for them.