Through the Storm October 31– November 4

When experiencing the storms of life, there is power in numbers. First and foremost, we need to cling to Jesus. But in rough seas, we also need the encouragement and support of other Christian believers. We all react differently in times of trouble, but the gifts and strengths of others help us get through these times. When we are anchored in Jesus and remain united with each other, we can make it through no matter how bad the storm gets. 


Day 1      Mark 4:35-41  

Reflect: Jesus had been teaching from the boat all day (4:1). How does this impact this story? Whose idea was it to leave? Who all went? Where were they going and why? (See Mark 5) What did Jesus want them to think about based on the questions He asked them?  

Apply:   How does knowing Jesus is with you and He is at peace, help you get through storms? In hard times, on whom do you rely? How are others impacted by the storms you face?

Pray:     Lord, there are times when I need to hear Your voice ordering, “Peace! Be still!” Help me turn away from the howling of the wind and disturbing noises, and wait for Your comforting presence. You are with me and I trust you.


Day 2      1 Corinthians 12:12-13  

Reflect: What do you learn about Christian community? Per this text, how and why are we different? What does the word “unity” mean to you? How can we achieve it as a community?

Apply:   How does a proper view of self impact unity? How does a person’s level of faith influence it? When have you experienced healthy community in the church? Unhealthy? Why? 

Pray:     Heavenly Father, thank You that all believers are equal members of the Church, baptized into the Body of Christ at salvation. May I be a willing and obedient member of Christ’s Body, fulfilling the work You have prepared for me to do to Your glory. 


Day 3     Acts 27:1-44

Reflect: How would you describe Paul’s role in this situation? How did his faith impact those around him? How did Paul provide stability, unity, renewal, and hope to the men in the storm?

Apply:   How has God’s Word been an anchor of stability for you in a storm? In a lingering crisis, who came alongside to help renew you and bring hope? How? What resulted?

Pray:    Jesus, use my life and my influence to help others find hope and rescue in their storms. Use me to bless those around me.


Day 4      1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Reflect: How does unity, diversity, and equality work in the church? Why are these important to us? 

Apply:   What part of the body of Christ is not functioning as it should? Why? What parts do you think we are lacking? What do you think this phrase means—the ground is level at the foot of the cross? How does it apply to the church? 

Pray:     Lord, thank You for my brothers and sisters in Christ. In all things, may we learn to love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. In love, empower us to be united together and put the needs of one another before our own.


Day 5       Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Reflect: What does this text have to say about unity and cooperation in the body of Christ? How will a strong church reflect this concept? Think of examples of others providing comfort in need, help in trouble, a companion in toil, and a protective guard against danger. 

Apply:   When have extra hands in the church helped accomplish what you set out to do on your own? How has the church provided you protection? How have you helped others who have stumbled in their spiritual walk or given comfort when needed? 

Pray:     Father, thank You for the privilege we have to support and encourage one another in the work that You have given us to do. Unite Your people together that we may be a living testimony to Your goodness and grace.


Put It into Practice!

Week 1:     Through the Storm

Jesus wants to be our anchor in life. This week consider what kinds of anchors you need from Him: hope, strength, companionship, peace, etc. Look for Biblical truths to put to memory, to help secure these in your heart, and for someone to help you do so.