Setting Sail August 29-September 2
In response to the traditional belief of “Original Sin”, John Wesley used the terms “New Birth” and “Prevenient Grace” to help describe the beginning of a person’s faith journey. Since all of us begin our journey from this place, this describes the proverbial “starting line.” This week we will see that salvation is a gift from God and is available to everyone who puts their faith in Jesus as an act of free will. We will unpack the meaning of Wesley’s terminology so that we have a better understanding of the biblical truths regarding salvation and what it means for our lives.
Day 1 Romans 3:21-26
Reflect: How is our salvation described? Our sin? How would you define the word righteousness? The word justify? What does Jesus have to do with these two words?
Apply: Righteousness is about having right loving relationships. How right is your relationship with God? With others? How does Jesus’ sacrifice for you stir up your desire for right living?
Pray: God, thank You that Your righteousness has been manifested through faith in Christ Jesus for all who trust in Him. In the name of Jesus, I lay claim to the grace which You have so generously extended.
Day 2 Romans 5:12-21
Reflect: From this passage, what all do you learn about sin? How does this text help you understand justification? Notice how Paul uses opposites to help understand truths.
Apply: When, or how, did you come to understand just how horrific sin is? What does this text say about the belief that people are generally good? How does this text refute this?
Pray: Father, the more I recognize my sinfulness, the more I realize Your amazing grace bestowed on me and the privilege of being justified with Christ’s righteousness by faith. I lift my hands in awe, wonder, and praise for Your goodness and grace.
Day 3 John 1:9-13
Reflect: How is this text humbling and yet hope-filled for all people? How do John’s words speak of free will? Why did he add verse 13 to his testimony and what does he mean?
Apply: What are your thoughts about how God combines His providential control with our will and significant choices? Describe why you are willing to put your faith in Jesus as Lord.
Pray: God, thank You that I may call You Father, because I am Your child, through Jesus Christ. Shine more of His light into my heart, so that I come to know You more and to love You better each day.
Day 4 Romans 8:12-17
Reflect: What is the Spirit’s role in the life of a Christ follower? Put verse 13 into your own words? What sin have you given into instead of putting it to death?
Apply: How have you experienced the Holy Spirit in the ways described? Of these ways, which is especially meaningful to you? Do you have any fear associated with your faith?
Pray: Abba Father, I want to abide in You and You in me so that Your Holy Spirit has free access to teach and to guide me into all truth.
Day 5 Titus 2:11-14
Reflect: What changes happen to genuine believers as they are transformed by God’s grace? How does salvation, and the future hope we have in Christ, influence our daily lives?
Apply: How would you explain Jesus’ process of redeeming and purifying us? Practically, what does it mean for you to live as described?
Pray: Father, thank You for the important instructions I receive from Your Word. May I deny ungodliness and diligently seek to live sensibly, righteously, and godly in this present age.
Put It into Practice!
Week 1: Setting Sail
Consider your commitment to Christ. What outward and inward signs of your life give evidence that you have repented from sin and given your life to Him? Read the Apostles Creed and reaffirm your belief in the core Christian doctrines.