A Church That Serves

Water Provider Greater Cincinnati Water Works

Everyone Serving

We believe that every Christian is a minister who has been given gifts, talents, and resources to be discovered, developed, and deployed for service in the Church and the world.

Anderson Hills' greatest resource is our volunteers. By serving we represent God to other people and represent other people to God in prayer. Every task and ministry matters to God because people matter to God. What are your serving interests?

Anderson Hills Food Drive Project 5000

In the Church and in the Community

Whether it's serving on Sundays or throughout the week or serving with a VBS team, there are so many ways for you to use your passion and gifts in serving this church.

From our Project 5,000 partnership with Kroger to the community garden and serve projects across the city, we have many ways for you to love your neighbors and make a difference. Take a look at year-round local ministry opportunities for you.

Anderson Hills Jamaica Visit Serve Box

In the World

Anderson Hills has global mission trips and partnerships in various countries, including Africa, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Romania. We are changing lives around the world, and you can be a part of that. Contact Laura Burger to find out more.

Black kid drinking water from tube well pump

Living Water Zambia

For the past 15 years, our Christmas Eve offering has gone to build clean water wells in Zambia, as well as restrooms and educating people on the importance of good hygiene to stop the spread of disease. This generosity has resulted in tens of thousands of lives saved. We have now surpassed $1.12 million in all-time giving. Select Living Water Zambia fund.


We appreciate and gladly support these missionaries and their families. We will continue to uplift them through prayer and our gracious support.

Hope Garcia Family photo

Hope & Cheque Garcia

Hope and Cheque Garcia are missionaries with Back2BackMinistries based in Mason Ohio. The Garcias are currently stationed in the Dominican Republic. They have a love for Jesus and spreading the gospel to God’s children.

Matt how with his family Anderson Hills Church Cincinnati

Matt Howe/Fellowship of Christian Athletes -Cincinnati

The mission of FCA is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church They do this through camps, coaching coaches and huddles.An FCA Huddle is a place where athletes and coaches can grow spiritually and find accountability.

Sarah Putman Anderson Hills Church Cincinnati

Sarah Putman/Romania

Sarah works with New International, a mission sending agency, with 200+ missionaries serving in countries around the world, and 5000+ partners in the US. New International exists to proclaim Christ and make disciples globally. Sarah serves in Cluj, Romania.

Black Family photo Anderson Hills Church Lynn wood

Lynn Woods II/Cincinnati

At the Lord’s Gym Ministries, I am honored to serve the often neglected and marginalized members of the Price Hill community. While I’m at the FAC (Family Activity Center), our team creates a welcoming environment where we provide hot meals and aim to connect with individuals who are unhoused and often facing challenges related to addiction or mental health, offering them recovery resources while sharing the transformative gospel message.

When I’m not at the FAC, I lead a group of volunteers on a shuttle bus we refer to as STORM (STreet OutReach Ministry) to help rescue women from sex trafficking and addiction.

family photo of couple with one daughter and one son

Alex and Heidi Goldsmith

Alex and Heidi Goldsmith are with New CIty Kids, an organization that provides teen mentorship and leadership development as well as performing arts opportunities to at-risk, inner-city children in Detroit.

Family photo on beach

Bob & Rebecca Weaver

Bob and Rebecca Weaver are missionaries with CSI Ministries in Jamaica.  They work with the local community and US church mission teams to build homes, provide evangelism outreach with local churches, and provide emergency relief for those impacted by natural disasters and economic challenges.

Husband and wife photo

Stephen & Paige Montgomery/Albania

Stephen & Paige Montgomery are missionaries serving in Albania through Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Paige’s parents are members of Anderson Hills, Doug & Dawn Kelsey.

Husband and wife photo Schmidts

Tom & Holly Schmidt/Sow the Love

Tom & Holly Schmidt work with Sow the Love in Corpus Cristi TX. They are equipping future missionaries in evangelism, discipleship, and mercy ministries.