Rise Up! Frequently Asked Questions

When will the project start? How long will it take?

The work has already begun with new branding and signage updates! The front lawn project and most of the remodel will happen in the Spring and Summer of 2025, to minimize disruptions to the Preschool. Donations will be received through the end of 2027 for this campaign.

How much will this project cost?

The project will cost approximately four million dollars. PlainJoe Studios and a local general contractor will do most of the work, and we will utilize volunteers when possible.

Every gift matters! We are praying for the largest participation level of any campaign in our history. We believe that kids, teens, and adults will come together to fund this generational change!

How will we pay for it? Will we go into debt?

We will spend only what is pledged because we are committed to remaining mortgage-free. We will use a construction loan to ensure that work continues as the pledges are fulfilled. Our Church Council has committed one million dollars from previous generous gifts that we have saved for this major project.

How much should I give?

This is one of the special times when many of us give sacrificially to accomplish a big vision! Some will make sacrifices to give extra, others will give from savings or investments. For those who regularly give to AHC, we ask that you give above and beyond your normal giving so that we can maintain our existing strong ministries. Please pray and ask God if He is calling you to be part of this exciting change at Anderson Hills!

When will the project start, and how long will it take?

The project is projected to start in April 2025 and should be done by the end of 2025. Please remember that these are preliminary dates, which may change as the project progresses.

What professionals are working on the project?

Project Manager: Model Group (modelgroup.net)
Model has done extensive work throughout Cincinnati, including multiple large projects for River's Crossing Church and Crossroads Church.
Architect: MSA Design (msaarch.com)
MSA has been our architect for decades, and they have extensive knowledge of the various phases of our buildings.
Creative Design: (PlainJoe Studios)
PlainJoe oversaw our rebranding process and created our logo. They are storytelling experts who understand our past, present, and vision for the future.

How will our ministries be impacted during construction?

Extensive remodeling and construction always create a level of disruption to ministries, and we considered that when selecting professionals for this project. We've chosen contractors who can handle projects of our size (and much larger). Living with some disruption is one of the areas that we as a congregation sacrifice to better equip ourselves to reach families with kids and teens, and it's worth some schedule adjustments and construction dust.

At this point, we don't anticipate any disruptions in the Sunday morning worship services. Classroom and group meeting spaces will be limited during the late spring and summer of 2025, and we will communicate with group leaders about alternative space options.

To minimize disruption, the work in the Preschool area will take place primarily during the summer when Preschool is not in session.

What about the parking spaces lost when the Playground is installed?

The Playground will reduce the North parking lot by about 16 spaces. We will expand parking in other areas to increase the total parking in this project as much parking as funds allow. One great idea that came out of a Rise Up Life Group meeting is to add parking on the west side of the Sanctuary (the grassy area that faces the parking garage). This parking would be even closer than the North parking we are losing. Another idea is to add parking in the grassy area between the South parking lot where the white parsonage used to be.

What is being done for the Student Ministry area (teens)?

We are blessed with an incredible space for Student Ministry because of a previous campaign when we purchased the Annex building. We refreshed that space in recent years, and it's still in very good shape. For these reasons, our primary focus is elsewhere in the building. However, we have two ideas for improving that area. First, we want to add ductwork to reduce the noise of the HVAC system (we often shut off the HVAC system during ministry events because of noise). We also hope to install acoustic panels to make it easier to have multiple small groups take place simultaneously.

When do I give?

This is a three-year campaign (2025-2027). Our Kickstart Offering (first gifts) will be on December 1, although people are already contributing to that initial offering (praise the Lord)! You are welcome to give over the three-year period of time, or at whatever frequency works best for you, between now and December 31, 2027. The online pledge link and pledge card ask you to indicate your giving plans so we can plan accordingly.

I can't afford to give more than I currently give to AHC. Can I reduce my regular giving support to Rise Up?

While we appreciate your excitement about Rise Up, we ask that you keep your regular giving at its current level so we can continue to fund our ministries effectively. If God opens the door for you to increase your giving during the campaign, we'll celebrate that with you!

What happens before construction begins?

We will make our pledges in October, then the team will work with the professionals to appropriately scope the project. At the Annual Church Business Meeting on Sunday, November 24 at 1 pm, we will update the congregation on the plans for the project. The church members present that day will vote on the approval of the three-year construction loan that will empower us to move forward. We will continue to communicate with the congregation throughout the project, primarily through the weekly E-News and Friday Videos

Could the project be done in phases?

This is possible, although it leads to more ministry disruption and less financial efficiency than if we can do it in 2025.

If we don't raise enough money, what will be cut first?

This is a difficult question to answer because it would depend on how much money we raised. However, we are fully committed to live within the financial resources that the Lord raises up through our congregation's generosity, so we will adjust the scope of the project if we raise more or less than expected.

Who is overseeing the construction work? 

Dennis Curran leads the team, which includes Vic Black (Facility and Property Team Leader), Rob Cooke (Facility Manager), and Ed Mazza (long-term member).

Will painting the bricks look good over time?

Painting the bricks (that face Beechmont Ave. and those by the Main Entrance) will significantly modernize the front of the building for a very affordable price. However, painting bricks does add a long-term maintenance issue to a surface that doesn't currently require maintenance. The ongoing expense is something we can handle in our regular maintenance budget. Our painting contractor (Hartman Painting Company) is an AHC family who does excellent work for a reasonable price. The bricks will need to be recoated every 5-10 years.

Is the water feature in front of the Sanctuary OK with the insurance company?

No. This is an example of how concept imagery doesn't always become reality. Our insurance company strongly encouraged us to eliminate the water feature, and we are doing that to add functionality and reduce cost/liability.

Can I share ideas or feedback?

Sure, just email We'd love to hear from you! We are getting many more ideas than we can implement, but we will consider all ideas.