Preschool News
May 2024
Dear Families,
Wow! I can’t believe it’s already May! I want to take a moment to thank you all for such a wonderful year! It has truly been such a blessing to be the director this year and lead this amazing staff and group of children. Each child is a gift from God and so precious! Anderson Hills Preschool exists to help grow a child’s love for Jesus, love for others and love for learning. What a joy and a privilege it has been to watch your children blossom and grow this school year.
I have enjoyed leading the children in Chapel each month. Our final Chapel days will take place May 1 and 3. The theme of Chapel this month is “God and Jesus Want Me To Tell the World About Them!” Our chapel song will be “This Little Light of Mine” by Listener Kids. I will be sharing the story “Jesus Goes to Heaven” from the Beginners Bible and discussing how Jesus gave us the Great Commandment.
The Anderson Township Fire Department will be visiting the preschool with a fire truck and ambulance on May 13 and 17 and the children will learn how the firefighters use the different features of the vehicle when they respond to a call for help. Forest Hills Public Schools will be bringing a school bus for our 4 and 5 year old students to check out in preparation for kindergarten on May 20.
The Hamilton County Library will once again be hosting a Summer Reading Program. I encourage your family to take part in this free program. The program runs from June 1- July 31 and children will receive a free book and activity book at sign up. Children earn fun prizes as they continue reading or listening to stories throughout the summer. You can get more information on the Hamilton County Public Library website. In terms of learning, the most important activity you can do with your child is to read to them every day and I encourage your family to participate in the library’s program this summer.
In Christ’s Name,
Katie Connors, Preschool Director
Dates to Remember
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 22, Last Day for 3-Day Program
May 23, Last Day for 4-Day Program
May 24, Last Day for Two-Day and Five-Day Programs