Preschool News
December 2024
Dear Parents,
Merry Christmas to you and your family! We look forward to sharing the joy of Christmas with your children as we learn about
how “God Guides Us” during chapel time on December 4 and 6. We will be reading the story about the bright star and how it guided the three wisemen to find baby Jesus. Our chapel song will be “Joy To the World” by Compass Tustan Kids. Each student will receive a special item to help them remember that God guides them!
During this season of giving, we appreciate your generosity in donating gift cards for under-resourced families in our community. Thanks to everyone, we made Christmas brighter for many Anderson Township and Mount Washington families.
Christmas parties in the classrooms will be held on the following dates:
3-day classes-Wednesday, December 18
4-day classes-Thursday, December 19
2-and 5-day classes- Friday, December 20
Please be on the lookout for communication from classroom teachers for party information.
If you are looking for a place to worship on Christmas Eve, I invite you to Anderson Hills Church. Modern services, in the Worship Center at 3:00 and 4:30 pm, are geared for families with young children. Traditional services in the Sanctuary are at 5:00, 7:00 and 9:00 pm. Free childcare will be provided for the 5:00 service for birth – kindergarten. All services include a Christmas message, worship, carols, and candlelight. Online services will be here.
Finally, Christmas break begins Monday, December 23 and classes resume on Tuesday, January 7. We wish you and your family a happy and blessed Christmas!
In Christ’s Name,
Katie Connors