Men's Groups

Sunday Groups               Women's Groups               Weekday Classes

Men's Sunday Am Group / Sunday 8:30 AM / RM 14

Guys join us Sunday morning. Currently studying a book based on movie It's a Wonderful Life.

Leader: Doug Kelsey

Contact: Amy Tomlinson

Faithbuilders / Mon. 7:30 AM /In person RM 121
In-Depth Study of Books of the Bible

This Monday morning group raises early and digs deep into His Word. Log in or show up and join the discussion and see how this group and this study of God's Word will impact your week!

Leader: Stuart Dornette

Contact: Amy Tomlinson

Tues. Men's Group / Tues. 6 AM / Panera
Bible Study, Real-Life Application

Join these guys before work for pancakes or a hearty breakfast and dive into the Word.

Leader: Vic Black

Contact: Amy Tomlinson

Always Ready Men's Ministry (ARMM) / Tues. 9 AM / Atrium
Have you wanted to serve and help others in our church and in the community but didn't know how to go about it? This group of men meets for fellowship and to perform tasks at the church and in the community. They always have great treats and by treats, we are talking DONUTS and hot coffee! Don't let the morning time stop you-  there are opportunities for evening and weekend projects. Find out more at    Leader: Bryan Kilian

I Can Only Imagine Group Wednesdays 10:30-12 pm, Room 122

Leader: Rod Plybon

Contact: Amy Tomlinson

Thursdays-The Binford Boys Group / 6:30- 8 pm / RM 122
Men of all ages

This group follows the current sermon series and uses the Bible Reading plan for discussion.

Leader: Tom Brayshaw

Contact: Amy Tomlinson

Friday Morning Men's Group / 6:30 AM / RM 121
Men ages 40+ / Books of the Bible

Join this group of early starters any time for fellowship and discussion!

Leader: Bruce Schindler

Contact: Amy Tomlinson