United Series, Week 4: Love is Loyal – September 16-20

Loyalty is a key component of unity and it’s difficult to achieve without sacrificing one’s own preferences and desires. It requires putting aside selfishness, greed, and ambition, and instead focusing on a greater purpose.  The story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz portrays love and loyalty at its best. Ruth’s devotion to Naomi caused her to cast aside all concern for her future and security, and to even break the bonds of community and religion. Ruth vowed that only death would separate her from Naomi. God’s Word promises that nothing can separate us from His love that is in Christ. 

Day 1       Ruth 1:1-22

Reflect: What is symbolized by Judah and Moab? Contextualize them for today. Why is this worth considering? Why do you think Ruth was so adamant about going home with Naomi? 

Apply:    How would you define loyalty? In what is it rooted? Would God use the word loyal to describe you? Why or why not? Who is on your list to whom you are loyal? Why them?

Pray:      Lord, thank You for Your never-ending loyalty to me. Help me see the ways You are working in my life as I surrender my life and loyally serve You.


Day 2       Ruth 2:1-12

Reflect: What do you observe about Ruth and Boaz that points to their loyalty and loving kindness? What was uncommon about this situation? What is God teaching you through this story? 

Apply:   Do you think God sees loyalty as a part of how we love all people? Why or why not? How might this give loyalty a different meaning? How is loyalty linked with unity? With humility?

Pray:     Holy Spirit, give me wisdom and discernment to handle issues of loyalty and unity in my family, church and community. Use our small and continuous acts of love and faithfulness in beautiful ways for Your kingdom.


Day 3      Ruth 3:1-13; 4:13-15

Reflect: What are your big takeaways from the book of Ruth? What have you learned about God? About yourself? Do you have a deeper understanding of devotion, commitment, and love?

Apply:    How would you describe your loyalty to the Lord? To His church? Describe the loyalty you  have experienced. Can you be loyal to someone you don’t know well? Why or why not?

Pray:     Jesus, empower us to be loyal and loving in relationships, imitating Your faithfulness to us. In sharp contrast to the culture, give us courage to live out Your values in ways that draw others to You.


Day 4      Romans 12:9-13 

Reflect: What words would you use to describe someone who lives this way? What does this lifestyle look like practically? Which of these directives do you struggle with most?  

Apply:   What needs to change or what should you stop doing in order to live this out? How willing are you to make sacrifices to support someone else? How sincere is your love?  

Pray:     God, we pray that our lives, our relationships, and Your church, would be marked by genuine love in a way that leads many people to see Your love through us and all around the world.


Day 5       Romans 8:35-39 

Reflect: How does this text speak about the connection between love and loyalty? Why do so many people struggle with accepting the depth of God’s love? What can help overcome that?

Apply:   What kinds of experiences have made you feel separated from God’s love? How did you overcome it? Have you truly? How have you experienced God’s love for you as power?

Pray:     Father, I praise You for Your precious empowering promises! Fill my heart with the deep conviction that nothing is able to separate me from the love which You have for me in Christ Jesus. Fill me with the joy and peace of Your unfailing love. 


Put It Into Practice!

Week 4:  Love is Loyal

Do you tend to leave when the going gets tough? Determine your threshold for leaving a relationship, a partnership, a group, etc. What is it really based on? What would Jesus’ threshold look like? When it’s hard to be loyal, are you relying on your own strength or on God’s strength?