In Ministry December 18-22

When we decide to follow Jesus, He empowers us for a life of service. The more we become like Jesus, the more we will serve others. We do not serve on our own, but are empowered to serve in fruitful ways in the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that was with Jesus. Jesus reminded His disciples that they were to remain in Him, as He was in them, because without Him, they could do nothing. It was a foretelling of how His Spirit would be with them in ministry. Unlike Jesus, who walked with His followers for a limited time, the Holy Spirit is our constant companion. He is God with us now, who empowers us for service in the Kingdom. His help is indispensable for Christ followers.


Day 1      John 14:10-17

Reflect: What role did the Holy Spirit play in the life of Jesus? The word “believe” appears here several times. What is the outcome of believing—what can be accomplished? 

Apply:   What do think about Jesus saying He was empowered by God to do His work? How have you experienced the difference of serving with and without Holy Spirit power?

Pray:      Jesus, I am awed, humbled and reassured to know that You have made Your home with me through the Holy Spirit, as my Advocate and Helper. Make me a willing vessel for Your love to flow through me to others.


Day 2      1 Corinthians 12:4-11 

Reflect: What evidence do you see that God works with and through us in ministry? For what reasons does the Spirit, alone, decide which gift each person should have? 

Apply:   When have you seen these gifts in action? (Verses 8-10) What other gifts have you seen at work? How has someone’s spiritual gift helped you?  

Pray:     Lord, help me to understand how my gifts can be used for Your kingdom. May I grow in faithfulness and responsibility as I use my gifts for Your glory and the Body of Christ.


Day 3      John 15:1-5

Reflect: What is the main point of Jesus’ teaching and why is it so important? How do you interpret the “cutting off” and “pruning”? Describe this kind of fruit.

Apply:   What kind of fruit have you produced for God’s kingdom? How would others respond about your fruitfulness? What more is Jesus calling you to do with Him?   

Pray:      Jesus, may Your life flow through me as the sap flows through the branch that is engrafted into its parent stem. Fill me with Your fullness so that I may live, grow and bear fruit as I abide more and more in You. 


Day 4      1 Peter 4:10-11

Reflect: What are spiritual gifts for and what is to be the result of using them? Why are these gifts so important to the church? In verse 10, what does “each of you” mean?    

Apply:   What gifts has God given you and how have you used them for His glory? If you are not sure, take time to research this topic, or contact Pam Schwirtz at the church.  

Pray:     Holy Spirit, today, remove the lies that have sidelined me and others from discovering and developing our gifts to serve the Kingdom. May we bring glory to God and edify others as we exercise our gifts. 


Day 5       Acts 8:26-40

Reflect: What do you learn about God and about humans from Philip’s story? Would you have been able to answer the eunuch’s question? (If God sends, does He equip and go with?)  

Apply:   When and how have you been called and empowered to do good works for God? What resulted? What was the last request or directive you heard from the Holy Spirit?

Pray:      Lord, thank You for the mysterious ways that You weave through our lives—the surprising encounters and revealing conversations with those who yearn for You. Empower me to hear and obey Your voice of wisdom and direction.


Put It Into Practice!

Week 3: In Ministry

Evaluate your service in God’s kingdom. Where and how are you serving with the Lord? How fruitful are you? Is there other evidence that the Holy Spirit has empowered you to do good works? Are there gifts you are not using? Is your time well managed? Seek His guidance.