How to Drift from God July 22-26

Was there a time when you were closer to Jesus than you are today? If so, what happened? It is easy to drift away from God. It can be a subtle process that people may not even realize is happening. The primary reason is busyness. But other reasons, including temptation, circumstances, bad influences, and neglecting to spend time with God, can cause us to drift from Him. We need to acknowledge the truth that God didn’t move, we actually drifted away. God wants you to return to your first love and experience renewed fellowship with Him. 


Day 1      Matthew 13:3-9; 18-23     

Reflect: What do you think the seed represents? What reasons cause people to drift from God? What is the reason for not drifting from God, and the fruit of those who don’t?

Apply:    How have you experienced the different types of soils in your life? In the lives of others? At this moment, which soil are you most like? What is needed to produce a bigger crop? 

Pray:      God, forgive me for having been inattentive or unwilling to learn Your truth. May my heart be soft for Your good seeds of truth, that they might grow and produce a righteous harvest for Your glory. 


Day 2      Hebrews 2:1-4    

Reflect: Why is drifting from or neglecting our salvation so dangerous? What temptations of our day and culture increase the likelihood of drifting away from the truth of salvation?  

Apply:    Why is it sometimes more difficult to come back from a period of drifting as opposed to not drifting in the first place? How has God helped bring you closer to Him?

Pray:     Father God, thank You for the evidence in my own life of Your unchanging Word and character. May I live in the truth and light of Christ’s gospel of grace all of my days. 


Day 3       1 John 2:15-17     

Reflect: What does the word world represent? Describe how each of the three influences mentioned in verse 16 can cause us to drift from God.

Apply:   How has being preoccupied with worldly affairs caused you to neglect spiritual things? Which influence in verse 16 impacts you the most? How does drifting impact obedience?

Pray:     Holy Spirit, help me resist the cravings of false loves—pleasure, treasures, and notoriety. Re-awaken and re-tune me to Your standards of passionate love for You and for the people You have put in my life.


Day 4      Revelation 2:4-5     

Reflect: What is the primary cause of drifting from God? Why does our love get out of order?  What kinds of things or works is Jesus referring to in verse 5? 

Apply:   As verse 5 exhorts, consider how far you have fallen. How do your thoughts and actions reflect your love for God? For others? What is the Lord showing you about this?

Pray:    Lord, I repent for how I’ve allowed the cares of life and my concern for other things to harden my heart and dull the fervency of my passion for You. Bring me to a place where my chief desire is to know You, to walk with You, and to delight in You.


Day 5      Psalm 63:1-11     

Reflect: What does this psalm say about God? What do you learn about His character? About our relationship with Him? What speaks loudest to you, either as conviction or affirmation?  

Apply: How does this psalm speak against drifting from the Lord? Of the things the psalmist declares, which do you want to be true for you? What will help that to happen?

Pray:   Loving Father, thank You for the example of David and others who remind me, day by day, that You alone can satisfy my inner longing, and You alone understand the deepest cry of my heart. Your never-failing, loving-kindness is greater than life itself.


Put It Into Practice!

Evaluate yourself on these disciplines and actions to determine if / how you have drifted from the Lord—reading God’s Word, prayer time, confession and repentance of sin, receiving and sharing God’s love, fellowship with other followers, responses to difficult situations, justifying and rationalizing sin, hearing God, trusting God.