How to Commit Adultery August 5-9
No one typically wakes up and says, I think I’ll commit adultery today. It is really a slow process of taking baby steps toward it. Affairs happen because people are not serious about avoiding the risk factors. Allowing yourself to fall into compromising situations and rationalizing your actions is a quick way to commit adultery. We need to follow God’s wisdom and do whatever it takes to be pure in marriage.
Day 1 Proverbs 5:1-10; 15-19
Reflect: Describe Solomon’s warning and advice in these texts. What does the personified voice of adultery sound like? Where must your affections be directed? What blessings result?
Apply: What can we do to avoid being enticed by adultery? Have you ever experienced or gotten close to infidelity? What does it mean to you to be captivated by your spouse’s love?
Pray: Jesus, help me live a life of godly virtue that flees from every fragment of sensual allurement. May my delight be to draw fresh water from my own well and never seek satisfaction from the brackish water of broken cisterns. Even in the face of temptation, find me faithful.
Day 2 Matthew 19:4-6
Reflect: What has God provided for us in the marriage relationship? Why do you think He has such a strong and strict view of the marriage relationship?
Apply: Why do so many marriages fail? How can the pursuit of a Biblical understanding of marriage be enriching for all Christians in their relationship with God?
Pray: Father, strengthen the marriage covenant; a solemn promise to honor our spouse and to love sacrificially. Pour out Your Spirit and make this relationship a light to the world and a blessing to our children.
Day 3 Matthew 5:27-30
Reflect: From Jesus’ perspective how does adultery begin and why is that important? What steps can be taken to guard against sexual temptation?
Apply: Have you ever heard someone make excuses for behavior that could one day lead to infidelity? How did you handle it? What is the condition of your heart in regard to purity?
Pray: Lord God, create in me a clean heart. I want to be more like You–resisting evil, faithful, and honoring my commitment to You and to others. Forgive me in my times of weakness and mold me as Your holy servant to reflect the beauty of the gospel.
Day 4 1 Corinthians 7:1-16
Reflect: How is Paul’s description of the essence of marriage better than what our culture offers? In God’s eyes, what does a good marriage look like? What words speak to your heart?
Apply: How can married couples show the hard and glorious aspects of marriage? How can those who are unmarried show the satisfaction and joy found in Jesus?
Pray: Father, thank You for the instructions given to married couples and for the exhortations to those who remain unmarried. In whatever state I find myself, may my life be a living sacrifice and my conduct honor You.
Day 5 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Reflect: What makes sexual sin different from all other sin? Meditate on verse 20 and listen for what the Lord says to you. How are you honoring and not honoring Him?
Apply: How are you cultivating your current or future marriage? What can you do now to renew your love relationship with your spouse? What do you need to stop/start doing?
Pray: Jesus, forgive me when I have devalued marriage or myself as a temple of Your holy presence. I want You to be glorified in who I am, what I say, how I live, and what I think.
Put It Into Practice!
Invest time and energy in your marriage relationship. Some steps to take—determine what each person needs to feel honored, valued, and loved and what that looks like practically. Together evaluate your level of intimacy and discuss what is needed to take it to a deeper level. Ask if your love is truly unconditional. If not, why?