How to Become an Addict July 29—August 2
When you rely on yourself to fight a secret pull toward a worldly desire, you’re on the fast track to addiction. An addiction to anything other than God Himself is wrong. God is the only One who can (and should) habitually satisfy and meet our needs. To do so with anything else draws us away from Him and displeases Him. He alone is worthy of our complete attention, love, and service. To offer these things to anything or anyone else is idolatry.
Day 1 1 Corinthians 6:12-13
Reflect: Consider the statements Paul quotes in verse 12 and his comeback to each. What is the main point he is making? How does this text apply to the topic of addiction?
Apply: What is currently mastering or enslaving you? Coffee? Energy drinks? Alcohol? TV? Sex? Food? How might these things be masking deeper problems that you’re not dealing with?
Pray: Jesus, even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything. Give me wisdom to recognize things that are permissible, but not expedient, and help me live in a way that honors You.
Day 2 Titus 2:11-14
Reflect: Paul says God’s grace saves us and teaches us to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. Explain this. Why are addictions sinful? How does grace help with self-control?
Apply: What words convict you? Give you hope? Comfort? How are you living in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God? How are you not? Why?
Pray: Father, thank You for Your commitment to complete the good grace-work You began in us. Until I see Jesus face to face, keep burning the dross from my life as I diligently seek to live sensibly, righteously, and godly in this present age.
Day 3 Galatians 5:16-21
Reflect: Why can seeking to gratify the desires of the flesh quiet the voice of the Holy Spirit? What are the results of unrepentant sin? How can this text help a person dealing with addiction?
Apply: What is your biggest internal conflict with the Holy Spirit? What are some practical ways to pursue listening more to the Spirit than to your flesh?
Pray: Lord, day-by-day may I submit to Your leading and guiding. Help me to listen to Your voice and be obedient to correction, so that rather than succumb to the desires of the flesh, I can walk in newness of life.
Day 4 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Reflect: What kinds of weapons do Christians have to fight the enemy? What does it mean to have divine power to demolish strongholds? How would you define a stronghold?
Apply: When have you been set free from something by God’s power? Practically, what does it look like to take thoughts captive, making them obedient to Christ? Why our thoughts?
Pray: Father, many thoughts pop into my mind that should be removed and discarded. Help me replace them with Your truth and godly thinking. May I become more and more captivated by Christ.
Day 5 1 Corinthians 10:13-14
Reflect: How is idolatry related to temptation? In what ways does God help us endure when we are tempted? It is said that addiction is a form of idolatry. What would you say a person struggling with addiction is actually worshipping? Why?
Apply: When have you experienced the truth of this passage? Is it speaking to you now? With what does the enemy most tempt you? What does it sound like? What helps you endure?
Pray: Jesus, guard my heart from temptation and my life from sin. By Your grace and through Your Word, strengthen me by Your Holy Spirit so that I may overcome the temptations that Satan uses to separate me from You.
Put It Into Practice!
Whatever has you entrapped, ask this question, “What do you offer that is better than what my Jesus has to offer?” Confess the addiction to someone you trust. Do not keep it a secret, as bringing it into the light starts the healing and deliverance process. And proclaim God’s promises as you seek victory over it! (Philippians 4:13; 1 John 4:4;1Corinthians 10:13)