Holy Spirit Conference

Friday & Saturday April 21-22

Dr. Pete Bellini

Dr. Kim Maas
Anderson Hills Church, 7515 Forest Rd, Cincinnati, 45255
Join us for two days of soaking in the Holy Spirit! Dr. Pete Bellini will be back at Anderson Hills to speak about the power of the Holy Spirit and equip saints for the ministry. Pete Bellini is a professor of Church Renewal and Evangelization at United Theological Seminary.
This year we are excited for Dr. Kim Maas to join us. She will speak about Prophetic Communities. She is an international speaker and Randy Clark's spiritual daughter. She is one of the regular conference speakers at the Voice of Prophets at Global Awakening. We will learn and grow in the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the gift of prophecy.
Registration is $75 for adults. $40 for Jr./Sr High & College Students. (Lunch and dinner are on your own.)
Friday, April 21, from 7 - 9 pm
Saturday, April 22, 9 am - 5 pm
Open to the public:
Saturday evening 7 - 9 pm
*There is free childcare with a reservation at the evening sessions (fill in the info when you register)
Sunday Morning, April 23, Dr. Kim Maas brings the message at 9:30 & 11 am in the Worship Center
Full Schedule
6:15 PM Registration Opens
7:00 pm Worship
7:30 - 9 pm Session 1: Dr. Bellini True Repentance & Deliverance
8:30 am Registration Opens
9:00 am Worship
9:30 am Session 2: Dr. Kim Mass The Power of the Word & the Gift of Prophecy
10:45 am Break/Bookstore
11:00 am Session 3: Dr. Kim Maas Activation of the Gift of Prophecy
12-2:00 pm Lunch on your own
2:00 pm Worship
2:30 pm Session 4: Dr. Pete Bellini Truth Therapy
4:30-5 pm Prayer Time
5-7:00 pm Dinner on your own
7:00 pm Worship
(session open to public)
7:30 pm Session 5: Dr. Kim Maas Prophetic Community
Dr Kim Maas is bringing the message at 9:30 and 11 am in Worship Center