Week 1: Hearing God’s Call October 28—November 1
God calls us to various tasks and roles, not based on our strengths or qualifications, but on what He knows we are capable of. We don’t need to have everything figured out to take steps forward in obedience; instead, we should trust that God will equip and sustain us as we follow Him regardless of our perceived inadequacies or the ordinary circumstances in which we find ourselves. For each of us, there are two types of callings from God—the primary calling of saying “yes” to Jesus as Savior and Lord, and the secondary calling of following God’s guidance in various aspects of life. We must be attentive to God’s call in our everyday lives and respond with faith.
Day 1 Jeremiah 1:1-19
Reflect: What difference can it make to know that God knew us and set us apart even before our birth? How did God make it clear to Jeremiah that there was nothing to fear?
Apply: For what kinds of positions and roles did God form you? What did He not form you to do? For what kind of kingdom missions did God set you apart? How did He communicate it?
Pray: God, help me to be ready and willing to hear and respond to Your call. Use me to faithfully fulfill Your will in my life.
Day 2 Isaiah 6:1-13
Reflect: What’s different between Isaiah’s call and Jeremiah’s? Any similarities? What does Isaiah’s response to the vision teach us?What does Isaiah’s vision indicate about God’s holiness?
Apply: Reflect on the imagery Isaiah shares. Does it resonate with you? Why or why not? When have you said, “Lord, here I am, send me”? When do you wish you would have but didn’t?
Pray: Help me to be faithful in the work You have given me to do. May my life reflect the glorious gospel of grace that leads others to respond to Your call with repentance and joy.
Day 3 Judges 6:11-27
Reflect: How would you describe the Lord in this text? Describe Gideon. Why is it often hard to believe what the Lord says about us? What do you think of Gideon’s response in verse 24?
Apply: When and why have you asked the Lord for a sign to confirm a calling? What resulted? When have you built an altar to the Lord spiritually? What does it mean to do so?
Pray: Jesus, use me, in whatever way You choose. Help me toYour Word, more and more, and allow Your perfect peace to guard my heart for Your greater praise and glory.
Day 4 2 Timothy 1:8-11
Reflect: Describe Paul’s calling from God and his passion for answering it. How did he encourage and direct Timothy to follow that same kind of call? What other calling was he describing?
Apply: When have you been ashamed or lost confidence in something God called you to do? What caused this to happen? Has another’s suffering for the gospel ever impacted you?
Pray: Lord, may I be unashamed of my faith and be willing to suffer for the gospel. Help me tothe work that You have prepared for me to do, to glory in the Cross of Christ and look forward to the day You return.
Day 5 Ephesians 4:1-14
Reflect: Describe the kind of calling that Paul is speaking of and how people are equipped for it. Why is it important that everyone in the church answers their call for the Lord?
Apply: Who has said to you words similar to Paul’s in verse 1? Have you discovered your role or calling in the body of Christ? Is there someone God wants you to encourage to do so?
Pray: Lord, I desire to walk in humble dependence and humility of heart before You. May I keep the unity of the Spirit with all my brothers and sisters in Christ so that we may honor Your name through our earthly witness.
Put it into Practice:
Spend time in prayer and reflection this week, asking God to reveal His calling for you, whether at work, at home, or in casual interactions. Identify and confront any excuses or fears holding you back from fully obeying God’s call.