God Speaks in the Storm March 18-22
God finally shows up and reminds Job of everything he does not know about Him. Through a series of questions, He reminds Job of the type of God He is— incomprehensible, all-knowing, all-powerful, and the ultimate arbiter of good and righteousness. He is beyond all comprehension, and He deserves our trust and praise. This is the God Job came face to face with and the God we come face to face with, too. Hearing our God who speaks, should humble and remind us that we do not need to know the answer to everything but to trust that He is good and that He is for us! Our God is totally incomprehensible, but he is intimately knowable; we have met Him through Jesus. He died our sinner’s death that we might know God.
Day 1 Job 38:1-30
Reflect: Why does God answer Job with a series of questions? What does God’s line of questioning reveal about Him and about His relationship with Job?
Apply: In what ways has your own suffering highlighted the contrast between who you are and who God is? Would you be content with God if He never answered your questions?
Pray: Father, when I don’t understand my difficulties, help me trust You and never doubt Your perfect plans and purposes. I know You are sovereign and Your way is best.
Day 2 Job 40:1-14
Reflect: In verses 3-5, how does Job’s response demonstrate humility? Why do we so often think we know more than we do? In verses 6-14, what does God’s challenge reveal about Him?
Apply: If faced with God’s challenge to Job, how would you respond? Imagine, if the next time you complained, God actually showed up. How has God spoken to you?
Pray: Sit in silent, reverent fear and awe and contemplate the wonder, majesty, greatness, goodness, power, love, wisdom, justice, and righteousness of God.
Day 3 Job 42:1-17
Reflect: What is your initial response to the ending of Job’s story? In what ways do you resonate with Job’s response to God? How is the end of the book of Job a place of resurrection?
Apply: When have you spoken untruthfully or inaccurately about God? How are we changed by a better understanding of God? Based upon knowing more of who God is, is there anything that you want to change in your life?
Pray: Father, help me stand firm on the unchangeable Word of truth, to hear You speak to me from Your Word, and to know You more as I search the Scriptures.
Day 4 James 5:7-16
Reflect: How does James instruct us to deal with trials and uncertainties? How does verse 11 give a deeper perspective of Job’s journey? Which of James’ words are speaking to you?
Apply: How would you describe your measure of perseverance and patience? How can you apply these prayer instructions in your everyday life?
Pray: Thank You for the example of Job who patiently endured in times of deep trouble. May I be one who endures, standing firm in my faith and persevering to Your praise and glory.
Day 5 Hebrews 1:1–3
Reflect: How does verse 3 impact your understanding of God and Jesus? How does this help you understand the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament?
Apply: “God is totally incomprehensible, but He is intimately knowable.” How does Jesus help you to know God more personally? How have you grown to know Him through studying Job?
Pray: Father God, help me come to know You and Your will through Jesus’ words and actions. You are a God of compassion and mercy whose love endures from one generation to another.
Put It Into Practice!
Week 6 God Speaks in the Storm
Worship is the art of losing self in the adoration of another. Take time to humble yourself before God this week, seek to surrender every part of your life to His control, adore Him for who He is.