Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry providing one-to-one Christian care for individuals in our congregation and community. There are currently over 12,000 enrolled congregations worldwide and more than 600,000 Stephen Ministers who have been trained. Stephen Ministers are not clergy, rather they are church members who feel called by God to a ministry of compassion and have received 50 hours of caregiving training to minister to people experiencing a crisis, facing a challenge, or simply going through a tough time such as:
Terminal Illness
Loss of a Loved One
God never intended for us to go through these experiences alone, that’s why we have Stephen ministry. This is a confidential ministry; the identity of those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship remains private.
Be a part of Stephen Ministry
Would you like to be a part of a ministry that makes a real difference in others' lives when they need it the most---and in your own? Consider becoming a Stephen Minister. While being a Stephen Minister requires a commitment of time and effort, it also brings joy and fulfillment into your life. You will grow spiritually when you serve as a Stephen Minister. When God calls you to service, He gives you the gifts and the faith to do His will. In addition, you will find you are using your new skills not only with your caring ministry but in everyday life with family and friends. Think and pray about this opportunity, you will be blessed beyond measure.

Divorce Care
DivorceCare is a resource of care and support for people who have experienced separation or divorce. This 13-week support group provides practical tools for coping and points people to Christ for healing and hope. We will update when our next session starts.

Celebrate Recovery
A 12 Step, Christ-Centered, Recovery Program to heal from hurts, habits and hang-ups. We also have program for children, Kindergarten through 6th grade. Sometimes the hurts, hangups and habits that children struggle with go unnoticed. Celebration Place helps them discover their own pathways to healing. Contact Shari Raisor

Laura Burger
Director of Caring & Outreach
As Director of Caring and Outreach, Laura loves helping our pastoral staff care for members of our congregation as well as helping members get outside the walls of our church to serve in the community. Laura has been a member of Anderon Hills since 1998 and on staff since 2002. She and her husband Ed have been married for 28 years and they have a daughter and a grandson.
Phone: 513-231-4172