Dynamic Faith October 17-21

Can faith with no works save you? This question has been around for a long time. Works and faith have often been at the center of debate in the church. What exactly is necessary for salvation? It is a fundamental issue and one that James covers in detail. Just as words without action do not help people, neither does a professed faith in God mean that someone is truly saved. Your faith in the Lord is demonstrated by how you live, how you pray. Ask God to reveal areas of life in which you have been hesitant to “step out” in faith.      


Day 1       James 2:14-26 

Reflect: How would you explain the three kinds of faith described? What point is James trying to convey about the role of works? What does verse 19 tell us about real belief in God?   

Apply:  What does dead faith look like? What does living faith look like? Describe your faith. As a result of studying this passage, what is one thing God might be calling you to do?

Pray:   Father, dead and fruitless faith is worthless. Make my faith a living faith that produces the good works that You have prepared for me to do. May others see Christ living and working through me so that You are glorified by my life.


Day 2      James 5:13-20 

Reflect: What four main lessons does James have for us on prayer? What is the relationship between prayer and faith? What does James mean in verse 16b? 

Apply:   Why do you pray? How have you seen God work through your prayers or the prayers of others? When have you said, “God didn’t answer my prayer”? What did you mean? 

Pray:     God, implant bold prayer and tender pursuing within me and within our church family. Although You may not answer our prayers the way we want, we can always trust that You are our good Father who will answer according to Your perfect will.


Day 3      Proverbs 3:27-35 

Reflect: What would you say is the main teaching point of this text? What is the connection of being good and doing good? Why is it so important?    

Apply:   The text lists a number of behaviors that are not good. How can you steer clear of them? Again, the word “righteous” appears. Explore the meaning of this word.

Pray:     Jesus, infuse Your Spirit into every part of my being. Sort out the wrong and bring to light the right so that I may live and work according to Your ways. Open my eyes to opportunities to show Your love to others as an offering to You.


Day 4      Matthew 7:21-27  

Reflect: Does verse 21 teach a works based salvation? Why or why not? How does verse 22 show that works cannot save us? How does this text teach faith plus works? 

Apply:  What is Jesus’ warning for you? How can you evaluate your spiritual condition? Whose will are you following? Is your life changed by Christ, or are you just saying the right words?  

Pray:  Lord, I want to follow you, not just in talk, but also in deed. I want to reflect Your character, not just in Bible study, but also in daily living. I want to know Your character, service, and righteousness by Your Spirit living through me.


Day 5      Mark 11:20-25  

Reflect: What did Jesus teach His disciples in this situation? What is the key principle? What do we learn about prayer in verse 25? How do you see faith as crucial for us?      

Apply:  What does it look like for someone to pray with this kind of faith? In what situation have you had this kind of faith and a mountain was moved for you? 

Pray:    You are the God of the impossible, so why do I limit and doubt You rather than believe? I pray that You would bring heavenly movement and answers to earthly issues. Help me have peace in the waiting, knowing You are teaching me to trust You more.


Put It Into Practice!

Week 4: Talk with God about your own faith. Do you have “faith with works” or “faith without works”? Ask God for the power you need to put your faith into action. Ask a close Christian friend this question, “Is my faith more on the inside or the outside?”