Vote Results

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Tonight was a historic night at Anderson Hills, as almost 500 members came together to vote about our denominational future! The Sanctuary was packed, the Parlor as well, plus about 100 in the Worship Center.

District Superintendent Rev. Jenn Lucas led the UMC conference portion of the evening, where we took two votes.

  • The vote to disaffiliate from the UMC was 442 yes and 43 no, 91%.
  • The procedural vote to authorize the paperwork signer was 462 yes and 15 no, 97%

After the UMC Conference concluded, The Anderson Hills congregation voted on three motions:

  • The vote to affirm the disaffiliation rationale was 389 yes and 16 no, 96%.
  • The vote to affirm the corporate resolution was 396 yes and 7 no, 98%.
  • The vote to join the Foundry Network was 384 yes and 20 no, 95%.

Our four pastors led the congregation in celebrating holy communion. I am so thankful to serve with such wonderful pastors and staff!

We challenged you to fast and pray for our congregation this past week, and we could feel the power of prayer in our midst! We broke our fast together after the vote....thank you to the generous family who donated the Panera meal!

Bishop Palmer has called a special annual conference on November 19 where the delegates will vote to allow churches who have met the criteria to disaffiliate.

Our church name will become Anderson Hills Church. Our bylaws team is hard at work and we will be sharing more information in the coming weeks.

For those who voted "no" or who are disappointed by these results, please know that you are still welcome and loved at Anderson Hills! We strongly believe that God is going to continue to do great things at Anderson Hills, and we hope that you will continue to be part of that work. Please reach out to if you'd like to talk, or if you would like to remain in a UMC and you need help finding one. We care about you!

Most importantly, please pray for our church that these decisions will empower us to reach even more people for Jesus here in Cincinnati and around the world!

I'm so thankful to be serving Jesus with you,
Pastor Jon