City-wide Conference

Friday, April 4, 9:00 am-8:30 pm
Saturday, April 5, 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Anderson Hills Church
7515 Forest Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45255
Join multiple churches in Greater Cincinnati to learn from Kingdom voices who have ignited revivals and transformation in cities and regions through prayer and intercession!
We are looking for and believing in at least ten people from each church (pastors, intercessors, marketplace leaders) and Kingdom leaders throughout our city who are hungry to glean from humble practitioners in the discipline of prayer and intercession.
As we learn from the teachings, we will lean into what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches for the opportunities to transform the city we all love!
This two-day training will include:
Sound teaching regarding prayer and intercession
- Strategies of how to mobilize churches and leaders to tear down spiritual strongholds in our city and region
- Strategies of how to mobilize churches and leaders to tear down spiritual strongholds in our city and region
- Dynamic testimonies of how God is doing this in other cities in our nation
- Times of worship and activation of what we are learning together
- Opportunities to connect with other churches and leaders to build relationships and to discuss how we can unite together for fresh and greater prayer movements in our city.
This conference is co-sponsored by Greater Cincinnati Canopy of Prayer and Anderson Hills Church.
Registration is $50 Includes Continental breakfast, snacks, and drinks (lunch and dinner on your own)

Dr. Douglas Small has served as pastor, Bishop, educator, speaker, and consultant in prayer missions. Pastors nationwide have used Small to spark renewal in churches, conventions, and retreats seeking spiritual awakening, revivals & reformation. He is a servant leader in national prayer networks.
Larry Lane serves as the Director for Revival Road Ministries and Senior Fellow with Project Pray. Previously, he served as training director of the Sentinel Group, a globally acclaimed catalyst for spiritual awakening. Before that, he led a city-wide transformation movement as a pastor in Chico, California.
Lonnie Riley is the founder of Meridzo Center. God used him as the catalyst for a transforming revival in Lynch, Kentucky. His story is told in the Sentinel Group's documentary It's Only Cookie Dough. Riley Ministries helps churches, businesses, & non-profits through teaching, speaking, and consulting.
Friday, April 4
9:00 Worship
9:20 Welcome and Prayer
9:30 Session 1: Doug Small – Seven
Markers of a Praying Church
10:15 Break
10:30 Session 2: Larry Lane – Reasons
Why We are Not Seeing Revival
11:15 Break
11:20 Session 3: Lonnie Riley -
Testimony; faith-building stories
of God
12:05 Lunch
1:30 Song to gather & prayer
1:45 Session 4: Doug Small: The
Church as an Intercessory
Missional Community - Structure
2:30 Break
2:45 Breakout sessions #1
3:30 Break
3:45 Session 5: Lonnie Riley
4:30 Table reflection and prayer
5:00 Dinner
7:00 Worship
7:30 Welcome and pray in unity
7:45 Session 6: Larry Lane - Revival
and the Fear of the Lord
8:30 Closing
Saturday, April 5
9:00 Worship
9:20 Welcome and prayer
9:30 Session 7: Larry Lane – Where
the End-Time Harvest Will
10:15 Break
10:30 Session 8: Doug Small - Paul’s
Concise Theology of Prayer
11:15 Breakout session #2
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Song to gather/prayer
1:45 Breakout session #3
2:30 Break
3:45 Session 9: Doug Small - Church
of the City- Missional Community
4:30 Doug, Larry, and Lonnie: Closing
Breakout Sessions:
Doug Small: How to Read a City
Larry Lane: Shepherding a City
Lonnie Riley: Signs of Change for Transformational Communities