Myth Week 3: Does Science Negate Faith? December 9-13

Science doesn’t move us away from God, science actually draws us toward God. Intelligent design points to a Creator and complements biblical teachings. Science does not negate faith because science and religion are based on different aspects of human experience and address different parts of human understanding.    Day 1       Psalm 19:1-4 Reflect: How…

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Myth Week 2 : Did Jesus Fulfill the Old Testament Prophecies? December 2-6

Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies because God’s plan for human salvation was fulfilled in Jesus. The New Testament, especially the Gospel of Matthew, documents this belief by correlating statements about Jesus with Old Testament prophecies.   Day 1        Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-23 Reflect: Compare the prophecy of the virgin…

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Myth Week 1: Can I Trust this Book?-November 25-29

This week we will explore the historical and textual reliability of the Gospels. There are eyewitness accounts, historical and archeological findings to support what we read in the Bible. But what is most important in lending accuracy to the Bible is the history of redeemed and transformed lives.     Day 1       Luke…

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Week 4 Hearing God’s Correction November 18-22

Hearing and accepting God’s correction is vital to our spiritual growth. God’s discipline is different from flawed human correction; it is meant to confront our sins, lead us to repentance, and ultimately bring about healing and righteousness in our lives. God’s correction, while challenging, is designed to transform us and align us more closely with…

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Week 3 Hearing God’s Guidance November 11-15

God has given us a compass, the Holy Spirit, who lives inside of us to give us guidance and direction every day of our lives. God’s guidance often comes through subtle nudges and impressions, requiring believers to cultivate intimacy and trust in Him. In Acts, Luke tells the story of how God sovereignly speaks and…

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Week 2: Hearing God’s Affirmation November 4-7

God speaks to us in various ways to affirm our identity as His beloved children. By learning to listen to His voice, we can counter the negative labels and lies of the world, embracing our true worth and purpose in Christ. God also warns against listening to negative voices that undermine our identity in Christ.…

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Week 1: Hearing God’s Call October 28—November 1

God calls us to various tasks and roles, not based on our strengths or qualifications, but on what He knows we are capable of. We don’t need to have everything figured out to take steps forward in obedience; instead, we should trust that God will equip and sustain us as we follow Him regardless of…

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Week 4 Rise Up…To Do the Impossible October 21-25

God calls us to listen to His voice, not the voices of those who say that God’s call is impossible.  Some thought Goliath was too big to fight. David thought Goliath was too big to miss. David rose up with a perspective of faith, not fear, to do what people said was impossible—slaying Goliath. He…

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Week 3 Rise Up…To Follow God’s Call October 14-18

God called Samuel at an early age to listen and then to speak on His behalf. Samuel was faithful with what he was given. Whether he was called to deliver a message to a priest, a citizen of Israel, or a king, Samuel said yes. Sometimes the messages were exciting, but more often they were…

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Week 2 Rise Up…Above All Excuses October 7-11

Moses went from being the guy with all the excuses to the guy who courageously obeyed. There’s always an excuse not to invest in the Kingdom of God or the next generation. God wants your faithfulness, not your excuses. Conventional thinking is that God has a plan for my life. Kingdom thinking is offering your life…

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