United Series, Week 2: Breaking the Ice of Unforgiveness – September 2-6

Forgiveness may be the hardest thing many of us do in our lifetimes, but because none of us is without sin, forgiveness is essential if we want to love and be loved in this life. Unforgiveness is one of the deadliest forces in the world; it causes much pain and suffering and creates division. Forgiveness is even more powerful—not just as a response to the cross, a witness to the world, and a means of unity. Forgiveness is also an act of spiritual warfare. The enemy wants us to believe the lie that “we can’t possibly forgive so and so” because forgiveness destroys his agenda. Jesus’ ministry to the world is based on forgiveness, and we are to honor and model His life!


Day 1       Genesis 32:1-32

Reflect: What do you learn about forgiveness and unity from Jacob? How was forgiveness a part of Jacob’s wrestling with the Lord? What do you think Jacob wanted from God? From Esau?

Apply:    Is seeking forgiveness hard for you? Why or why not? Have you ever had someone say no to your appeal for forgiveness? What resulted? Have you ever said no?

Pray:      Lord, help me to remember the power of both extending and receiving forgiveness. Help me focus on the importance of the relationship and to depend on Your strength to heal. 


Day 2      Genesis 33:1-16

Reflect: What do you learn about forgiveness and reconciliation from Jacob and Esau? What did Jacob mean in verse10? When have you experienced this sentiment?    

Apply:   What is the difference between true repentance and an apology? What measures have you taken to seek forgiveness from someone you’ve wronged? What resulted? 

Pray:     God, heal the relational hurt and wounds among family members and Your people. I ask for humility to let go of bitterness and unforgiveness and to be empowered with Your love, wisdom, grace and restoration for healing of my broken relationships.


Day 3       Colossians 3:12-14 

Reflect: Which of the virtues mentioned in verse12 come most naturally to you? Which do not? Why? How is forgiving someone an act of love? Is that what makes it difficult at times?  

Apply:   Have you ever struggled to accept forgiveness from the Lord? Why/why not? Why is it hard for people to believe God’s forgiveness? Have you helped others accept His forgiveness? 

Pray:    Jesus, may Your comprehensive and complete forgiveness for me define and empower my forgiveness of others. 


Day 4      Matthew 6:9-15 

Reflect: What are key insights from this text? What does it say about the connection between prayer and forgiveness? Is salvation dependent on our forgiving others? Why or why not?

Apply: What do you think Jesus meant in verses 14-15? Why is the discipline of confession and forgiveness so important? Growing up, how did your family practice these disciplines?  

Pray:    Lord, each day, help us to seek ways to be more forgiving, and to ask forgiveness for our misdeeds. Make us into the models of forgiveness that You intend us to be.


Day 5      Matthew 18:21-35 

Reflect: What is the main point of this parable? What does Jesus say happens to someone who does not extend forgiveness? Who was and was not imprisoned? 

Apply:   What are ways that unforgiveness can be shown through your actions?  Who is the person or people you need to forgive so that you can experience freedom? Think hard! 

Pray:     Holy Spirit, uncover and remove any unforgiveness, any bitterness, that has a place in my mind, in my heart, in my relationships. By the power of the gospel, help me to reflect Your love with a spirit of forgiveness. 


Put It Into Practice!             

Week 2:  Breaking the Ice of Unforgiveness

Ask the Lord to search your heart for any unforgiveness you may be harboring and make the choice to forgive. Try this exercise: Recall a past hurt. If it feels like someone touched a bruise, you may not have completely forgiven the person who caused the pain.